I am a new user of mrpt library and I met a problem while using "map-partition". There is a ready-to-use application and I can run it with a “.simplemap” file passed in the command line. But how can I…
I think the global loop-closure optimization algorithm has an not small problem and bug in practical application , because it will lead to the entire map mapping errors and useless !
I will upload …
Can I use this package without RViz? I plan to implement it on an Odroid without installing visual tools like RViz.
Also, I plan to use the following tags: http://www.dotproduct3d.com/assets/pdf…
I am struggling with configuring the code to work with two Kinect-like cameras instead of the Velodynes for 3D mapping. I also have an IMU providing the relevant data. The motion I get right now …
I published orientation from ros_mono.cc
cv::Mat mTcw = mpSLAM->TrackMonocular(cv_ptr->image,cv_ptr->header.stamp.toSec());
cv::Mat Rwc = mTcw.rowRange(0,3).colRange(0,3).t();
**Initial description**
The proposal at hand describes the working plan for developing a graph-based SLAM algorithm using the mrpt toolkit in the following summer. The suggested strategy builds upon t…
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV => 3.3
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 16.04
- Compiler => GCC 5.4
##### Detailed description
I am trying to build a **static** opencv, w…
**Initial description**
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) implements a versatile Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) for practical robotics applications. At present, there are no Rao-Blackw…
Alright, here's the deal.
In the main.cpp code, I added some read out to get the current position estimate by visual SLAM:
So I've gotten through the tutorial with the viconpos_sensor example just fine without issue. However, now I would like to use the output from ORB SLAM [http://webdiis.unizar.es/~raulmur/orbsl…