Hello. I am running ROS melodic on Ubuntu 18.04. There is an issue with the package when i run the "make" command.
1) First of all, i downloaded the package "whycon-master" and placed it inside the …
I'm trying to install this package and after invoking the softkinetic_cameras.launch file get the following screen dump with an exception
roslaunch softkinetic_cameras.launch
... logging to /home/rf…
Thank you for this project, it really helps. When running the node, an error would always occurred. The GPU device on My host machine is NVIDIA RTX2060 , and driver version is 460.73.01, UBUNTU 18…
Hi, the "/cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop" topic controls linear velocity and angular velocity of the turtlebot kobuki,
What i am trying to find is the topic that controls the rotational speed of the left/r…
I am able to see the depth and rgb image with libfreenect library.
I am trying to use this package with ros kinetic, ubuntu 16.04 and kinect v1 with the following command.
`roslaunch freenect_launch …
Do you have any tips for me to get the boilerplate running with a custom Dynamixel based arm to do feedback control? For clarity, I have been able to get MoveIt! to control the Dynamixel motors using …
1. I run **rosrun or_rviz test.py**:
rviz correctly loads and visualizes the environment. However, the following warning is present
_[plugindatabase.h:929 _SysLoadLibrary] /home/rosubuntu/ros_w…
BasedOnStyle: Google
It's unclear to me how to use this for kinetic vs indigo...is there a toggle option or is it set for Kinetic? (I want to use this for Kinetic, but I saw references to both Indigo and Kinetic).
I found your package and its seems very feature rich, however I have some problems testing it and it seems as most of the documentation is outdated.
I first tried the tutorial here: https://githu…