In [`0e16277`](https://github.com/eldoradoio/upptime/commit/0e162773895de19c196c4cad3b774113ea0c2e43
), El Dorado - APP (https://app.eldorado.io) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
Hi I would like to know if Porechop is already integrated into the HERRO algorithm, or if we need to process the reads (e.g., trim, filter) prior to using HERRO.
this is a problem when some project is already sync'ed to the final destination, as dir already exists, it breaks the snakemake rule
I received the following error output when running DNAscent detect:
```DNAscent detect -b Tmet_079_pass_mapped_R_index_filt_header.sorted.bam -r /hg38.chrXYM.fa -i Tmet_079_reads_pass_R.…
Hi! I am having issues installing the tailfindr in RStudio (version 4.4.0). I've been able to install devtools and rbokeh successfully but when I try to install tailfindr using devtools, I get this er…
Hi, when I try to run pod5 v0.1.13 to convert .fast5 to .pod5, there is an error:
This is the full log of the f5c call-methylation:
This is dorado basecaller's order:
I am back for another question, since I got such excellent help last time :)
I am analysing the methylation of my Cytosines and trying to decide on a threshold. I am working with a species o…
I'm running clair3 with the --use_whatshap_for_final_output_haplotagging option (see clair3 command at bottom) on a 1.1TB bam generated on the ONT platform (basecalling and alignment with dorado/minim…
Is it the final set of weights, as determined by highest number?
Need to get a bonito model exported to dorado for speed.