## Environment
* OS Version: Ubuntu 24.04
* Source or binary build?
source build
gz-sim9 version: c1f379ee7fac10a5118df672cdb0e391605bd0f5
built with
gcc version 13.2.0 (Ubuntu …
In file included from /home/isp/ainstein_radar/src/ainstein_radar/ainstein_radar_gazebo_plugins/src/radar_plugin.cpp:1:0:
I tried to use your FloatingModelNames with Gazebo 11, but it doesn't work :(
Verbose information shown as below:
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.5.1
Copyright (C) 2012 Ope…
I am facing the same issue like #54 , but more weird that only a semi-circle is seen when we use the Visualise LIDAR plugin.
![Screenshot from 2024-10-23 17-49-25](https://github.com/user-attachments…
The process of `catkin build` won't succeed. The error says:
CMake Error at /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/catkin_package.cmake:291 (message):
catkin_package() absolute include dir
https://github.com/robotology/gazebo-yarp-plugins/pull/532 added a `gazebo_yarp_robotinterface`. However, for YARP devices to be available to be connected to yarp device instantiated by the robotinter…
## Environment
* OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04
* Source or binary build?
source build
gz-sim8 version: [e4fd295](https://github.com/denandz/fuzzotron?tab=readme-ov-file)
built with
gcc versio…
/home/mkutan/catkin_ws/src/suruiha/suruiha_gazebo_plugins/src/uav_sensor/uav_sensor.cpp:139:79: note: explicit deduction guides not considered for copy-initialization
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
ERROR: Rosdep experienced an error: Multiple packages found with the same name "roboticsgroup_gazebo_plugins":
- robotiq_140_gripper/robotiq_85_s…
Part of https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-gazebo/issues/265
## Desired behavior
From https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-gazebo/issues/265:
> Some more pointers for visual plugins t…