I am trying to setup the ROS Navigation Stack with autorally platform.
I was able to put a laser on the robot in Gazebo and was able to get the laser data in RViz.
The problem is I am not able to ge…
My project involves localizing to a specific point on a map based on image data, but building the map with LIDAR or a laser scan.
To that end, I modified the model of a turtlebot 3 burger robot by…
## Simultaneous calibration of a Mobile Manipulator with two cameras. (Successful) https://github.com/JorgeFernandes-Git/zau_bot/issues/8
* Using ATOM fr…
i am spawning the robot and the scenario through the .xacro file while launching 'move_group' node. I am able to visualize the robot and scene in the Rviz window.
When i start Planning using 'OMPL'…
Hi, I am working upon MTC for using it with UR5.
I tried using cartesian executable wihth UR5 but it did'nt worked and showed me an error.
[cartesian-1] Failing stage(s):
We are running two Kinects through the ROS driver, and it seems like there is an issue connecting them through the USB. The weird part is that sometimes the cameras connect without an issue, or restar…
## Environment
* OS Version: Ubuntu 24.04
* Source or binary build?
Binary Gazebo Harmonic 8.5.0
## Description
* Behavior: I include a force torque system plugin in a xacro file in the foll…
fafux updated
3 weeks ago
When running the driver using the included launch file, ie. ` ~$ roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch`, the driver will very often crash, giving the error `Timeout waiting for ack in buffer 11`, a…
ghost updated
5 years ago
Hello everyone,
This is more like a question than an issue. I have the actual hardware and wanted to know if there is any ros2_controller hardware plugin for the open manipulator arm so that I can …
Motion planning to control Tiago MoveIt 2 Move Group C++ Interface for ROS 2 Humble
Terminal 1: ros2 launch tiago_gazebo tiago_gazebo.launch.py moveit:=True world_name:=pick is_public_sim:=True