I'm using the hector localization ROS package to take the IMU data from my phone, streamed into a ROS Imu message and reconstructing the 6DOF pose. No other sensors are used.
I can get attitude jus…
手元のPCでlaunch ファイルを起ち上げつつ,リモート(ロボット)上で実際のノードを立ち上げる事が出来ます.
1) `rossetip`, `rossetmaster fetch1075`する
2) SSHの確認
ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms='ssh-rsa' @fetch1075.jsk.imi.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp # は適宜書き換えてくだ…
First of all, great work! I have successfully implemented and used your package in several projects of mine on ROS Indigo.
Lately I have ported all my files to Kinetic and after a few mishaps with yo…
Minor (as most users would use the `.xacro` or `_macro.xacro` file), but the urdf shipped in `motoman_sia10f_support` ([here](https://github.com/ros-industrial/motoman/blob/5c7e0a7bf8b8226fdf781c97edb…
Monitors buttons, switches, E-stop, voltage, etc. and outputs their status.
Takes in LED statuses and turns those off and on.
In file included from /home/cane/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_ptam/ptam/src/CameraCalibrator.cc:5:0:
/home/cane/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_ptam/ptam/include/ptam/Params.h:11:35: fatal error: ptam/PtamParamsConfig…
I open scene "Test.ttt"
and Vrep shows this:
The main script of …
Do you know how to fix this warning? when running the most recent naoqi
[W] 4822 qitype.signal: Exception caught from signal subscriber: Call argument number 0 conversion failure from LogMessage to …
### Problem: "unfound command : resource "
check bash document:
`sudo gedit ~/.bashrc`
**Solution 2:**
最近一段时间在使用Bash on Ubuntu on Windows做shell脚本调试时发现在脚本中使用source时会报错,上网查了下才了解到原来…
I tried following the tutorials and I was able to make it work on my laptop running ubuntu 14.04 LTS and ros indigo, but when I tried builiding it on my raspberry pi 2 running raspbian, catkin_make ra…