I was wondering if you could share your evaluation code or tell me which code did you use for evaluation?official kitti evaluation?
Did you use lidar raw data or post processed groundtruth pr…
I have a question I'd like to consult about. When I changed the LiDAR, I encountered the following error during the training process. So, when using the Velodyne LiDAR, why do you not need to con…
We've got an RPLidar A1M1 device with 1.15 firmware - too old a model to upgrade, as stated by dfu_upgrader utility (working for A1M8 only).
The ultra-simple app registers incoming data properly, i…
1. Which TurtleBot3 platform do you use?
- [X] Burger
- [ ] Waffle
- [ ] Waffle Pi
2. Which ROS is working with TurtleBot3?
- [ ] ROS 1 Kinetic …
When I open http://localhost/editor When there is no 'merge map' option under the file, I have already pulled the latest library. The following is the output log information at startup
Hello, i am using an A3 lidar, I already changed the rplidar.py baudrate , now I am getting errors in rplidar line 211: dsize, is _single, dtype = self._read_descriptor()
and in line 189 in _read_d…
Mytre updated
2 years ago
Add building_height to catalog
- [ ] download_building_height()
- [ ] process_building_height()
- [ ] calc_building_height()
- [ ] update all generic functions
Data source: https://www.scienc…
I am using an OS0-32 sensor and an internal imu. The following is the configuration file I wrote, but it cannot function properly.
Some parameters are not well understood and have not been modified:o…
As you mentioned in the previous issues, I tried to use the Openpylivox library (https://github.com/Livox-SDK/openpylivox) in python.
But the problem is that in the library there is no funct…
我尝试去理解目标框的ground truth,于是把data loader加载的一个sample的gt_bboxes_3d保存了下来,然后画到相应的相机图片上。