Mujoco does not support ground truth mode for attitude estimation like Gazebo:
Attitude Estimation visualization realized in Three.js. Currently it's rather working but need some reformatting/maintaining.
I have uploaded the sensor fusion algorithm.
This implementation is based on the following paper:
Mahony, Robert, Tarek Hamel, and Jean-Michel Pflimlin. "Nonlinear complementary filters on the speci…
We are trying to estimate the attitude using the IMU of the Madgwick filter.
However, the gyro data is not reflected and the attitude estimation is wrong.
The code used is as follows.
Graphs of the…
Dear NicoChou.
Thank you for the great matlab code for EKF_AHRS.
I have been studying EKF_ARHS, and found your code.
In the laboratory, we tested glim algorithm with Aeve AeriesII Lidar. In the first small part of data, glim performed well, but in the subsequent data, attitude estimation was not very accurate. Could…
Attitude Determination and Estimation using Vector Observations: Review, Challenges and Comparative Results. (arXiv:2001.03787v3 [eess.SY] UPDATED)
This paper concerns the probl…