using MitoZ in Docker, works well with my fastq.gz files but when I download from SRA, these reads fail. Looking at the output, the cleaned sequence file is empty. I assume there is some format issu…
### Ask away!
I'm running the pipeline like this:
nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-metagenomics \
--fastq $fastq_pass_path \
-profile singularity \
--database_set PlusPF-8 \
--out_dir $…
It uses `['fastq', 'fastq.gz']` for the filter but the AnVIL file formats have a leading dot, as in `['.fastq', '.fastq.gz']`.
I'm providing the paired reads buts not recognizing my reads. Even when I interleave the reads and explicitly set `--interleaved` it doesn't work.
There's no error messages.
Do you have any i…
works in 8.20.6
# kate: syntax python;
DATASETS = '1 2 3'.split()
rule mapmature_all:
input: '{ds}.bam'.format(ds=ds) for ds in DATASETS
rule gzip:
output: '{file}.gz'
I am trying to re-basecall my POD5 files to emit FAST5 format, as Tailfindr can't detect the model. Initially, I basecalled with MinKNOW, but there's no option to emit FAST5—only SAM/BAM/FASTQ formats…
does this library support the fastq format:
data format: "fastq",
name: "Experiment1",
long read files: [
labels: [
When I use this command, I got these errors.
metawrap binning -o /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJNA389927/guild/bin -t 8 -a /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJNA389927/guild/test/…
Thank you for your development. I am using Nanosim to simulate ONT data, I use 32 threads and 256GB memory to run training stage, but it reported out of memory error. The command is