catkin_make error
[main] 正在生成文件夹: D:/jcy-woozoom/workspace/DroneServer/out/build/DroneServer DroneServer
[build] 正在启动生成
[proc] 执行命令: "D:\Program Files\cmake-3.30.4-windows-x86_64\bin\cmake.EXE" --build D:/jcy-woozoom…
**Submitting author:** @aris-mav (Aristarchos Mavridis)
**Repository:** https://github.com/aris-mav/NMRInversions.jl
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): master
**Version:** v0.9.2
Hey, I wanted to know how do I configure it to work onboard itself, needless of the mavlink protocol.
I am this issue facing:
root@97f3a2417c4c:/px4/PX4-Autopilot# roslaunch geometric_controller sit…
- Remove type from enum based structures
const commandMessage: Message.CommandLong = {
param1: param1,
param2: param2,
param3: p…
## Feature request
Currently only in `GCS_Common.cpp` file `MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION` support is added, the command sent via Command Long Packet is parsed properly but when `MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_L…
## Current Behavior
Currently INAV does not implement handling MAV_CMD messages (COMMAND_INT, COMMAND_LONG) which is how most Mavlink control is done, so most commands will fall on deaf ears. We say …
This might not affect ArduPilot (yet) but `MAV_TYPE_VTOL_DUOROTOR` was renamed to [MAV_TYPE_VTOL_TAILSITTER_DUOROTOR](https://mavlink.io/en/messages/common.html#MAV_TYPE_VTOL_TAILSITTER_DUOROTOR).
When sending a rather large waypoint mission to mav_local_planner with "loco" for smoothing, LOCO resamples the mission to a small number of waypoints which is not really desired.
[ INFO] [1550…
### Describe the bug
I am trying to use the dependency:
To call maven programmatically, but that seems to fail.
### Expecte…