All members must create one or more of:
1. Functional TeleOp Program verifying the functionality of a subsystem.
2. Integration of all subsystem programs into a single teleOp program
3. Unique autono…
When I run the following command, the following error occurs:
`ros2 launch crazyflie launch.py`
bitcraze@bitcraze-vm:~$ ros2 launch crazyflie launch.py
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can …
All members must create one or more of:
1. Functional TeleOp Program verifying the functionality of a subsystem.
2. Integration of all subsystem programs into a single teleOp program
3. Unique autono…
I am testing demo_random_action using ArchitecTHOR_SceneManipulation-v1 env. The texture doesn't look good. Anyone has idea what I did wrong?
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.drive.MecanumDrive;
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.geometry.Pose2d;
import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.trajectory.Trajec…
When I use OPTION 1, it can work like your video in YouTube. But when I use OPTION 2 to control the robot, the robot can not move correctly. For example, when I push "i", it just move its leg once tim…
Thank you for sharing such a good resource. I had followed all the steps for installation but I am getting an error when I run the following line:
rosrun mavros_off_board teleop_node…
In the predict.vue file, edit how results are displayed to allow for more in depth analysis.
Specifically, display data for predicted autonomous scores, predicted teleop scores, and predicted endga…
This issue was reproduced in the environment below.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
- OpenMANIPULATOR-X (default settings)
- U2D2 (port latency 1ms)
How to reproduce this issue
1. Launch the cont…