Galacean is a web-first and mobile-first high-performance real-time interactive engine. Use component system design and pursue ease of use and light weight. Developers can independently use and write Typescript scripts to develop projects using pure code.
The engine is published on npm with full typing support. To install, use:
npm install @galacean/engine
This will allow you to import engine entirely using:
import * as GALACEAN from "@galacean/engine";
or individual classes using:
import { Engine, Scene, Entity } from "@galacean/engine";
// Create engine by passing in the HTMLCanvasElement id and adjust canvas size
const engine = await WebGLEngine.create({ canvas: "canvas-id" });
// Get scene and create root entity
const scene = engine.sceneManager.activeScene;
const rootEntity = scene.createRootEntity("Root");
// Create light
const lightEntity = rootEntity.createChild("Light");
const directLight = lightEntity.addComponent(DirectLight);
lightEntity.transform.setRotation(-45, -45, 0);
directLight.intensity = 0.4;
// Create camera
const cameraEntity = rootEntity.createChild("Camera");
cameraEntity.transform.setPosition(0, 0, 12);
// Create sphere
const meshEntity = rootEntity.createChild("Sphere");
const meshRenderer = meshEntity.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
const material = new BlinnPhongMaterial(engine);
meshRenderer.mesh = PrimitiveMesh.createSphere(engine, 1);
// Run engine;
Everyone is welcome to join us! Whether you find a bug, have a great feature request or you fancy owning a task from the road map feel free to get in touch.
Make sure to read the Contributing Guide / ่ดก็ฎๆๅ before submitting changes.
Clone this repository:
git clone
npm install -g pnpm
)In the folder where you have cloned the repository, install the build dependencies using pnpm:
pnpm install
Then, to build the source, using npm:
npm run b:all
The engine is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file.