mmagnus / rna-tools

🔧rna-tools: a toolbox to analyze sequences, structures and simulations of RNA (and more) used by RNA CASP, RNA PUZZLES, and me ;-) docs @ web @
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a toolbox to analyze sequences, structures and simulations of RNA (and way more!)

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PyPI version PayPal donate button Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rna-tools is a core library and a set of programs to run various Python functions related to work, initially, with PDB files of RNA structures, but right now this is a huge toolbox of tools to process various types of RNA data (started around 2013). **That is why in 2019, after publishing our U6 Molecular Cell paper I decided to rename the package to rna-tools. Simply, various tools to work with RNA data: sequences, alignments, structures, trajectories.** If you want access the old version see the [branch]( The software is used by me in my servers **NPDock** (RNA/DNA-protein docking method, and **SimRNAweb** (RNA 3D structure prediction method, and **mqapRNA** (RNA 3D quality control, and other projects [EvoClustRNA]( and [RNA-Puzzles-Normalized-submissions]( [Test at Colab]( **What is fun here?** `rna-tools` (formerly rna-pdb-tools) is a packages of shell utils that are using the common core library. You can also access functions of the library from your scripts. A command-line tools: ```shell $ --is-pdb input/1I9V_A.pdb True $ --is-pdb input/image.png False ``` or from a script: ```python >>> from rna_tools_lib import * >>> s = RNAStructure('input/1I9V_A.pdb') >>> s.is_pdb() True ``` or from a Jupyter Notebook:

Fig. Fetch an alignment and generate an RChie plot for it. See more Take a tour []( and/or read the doc [](

Fig. ` --get-rnapuzzle-ready *pdb --inplace` The latest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (see [CHANGELOG]( for more detailed description) **22-05-17** 🔥 a paper published on our server 🔥 a Swiss army knife for RNA 3D structure modeling workflow Marcin Magnus Nucleic Acids Research **22-03-31** rna-tools goes online, **21-05-24** spotifier branched out into own repository to keep RT light **20-10/12** [mqapRNA]( py3 wrappers and include them in RT: RASP, Dfire, RNA3DCNN, QRNA, FARNA(Rosetta), AnalyzeGeometry, ClashScore, eSCORE (barnaba), 3dRNAscore, RNAkb (5pt) **20-08-20** A new structures of splicesome processed with rna-tools to be easily viewed with PyMOL (or as single chains) [PyMOL4Spliceosome]( **20-06-18** A new tool, [spotifier](, to process yeast plate images into figures **20-03-21** [PyMOL Preview Generator]( a new tool for generation of previews in Finders created :-) **19-11-08** The RNA-Puzzles toolkit paper has been accepted for publication in Nucleic Acid Research :-) Release v3 RNA-Puzzles toolkit: A computational resource of RNA 3D structure benchmark datasets, structure manipulation, and evaluation tools Magnus, Marcin; Antczak, Maciej; Zok, Tomasz; Wiedemann, Jakub ; Lukasiak, Piotr; Cao, Yang ; Bujnicki, Janusz; Westhof, Eric; Szachniuk, Marta; Miao, Zhichao **19-10-22** We made a searchable [index]( of all the tools. There are around 100 functionalities implemented, enjoy it! Let us know if something is missing or unclear! **19-10-10** **rna-tools finally works with Python 3, to get Python 2 version go to this [branch](** However, not all tools can be used with Python 3, for example, ClaRNA is written in Python 2 and we can do nothing about it. So, for now, we suggest using Conda or something else that supports kind of hybrid Python2/Python3 environments. Read more on this [here]( and [here]( **19-10-01** The EvoClustRNA manuscript with the heavy use of rna-tools is accepted for publication! M. Magnus, M., Kappel, K., Das, R., & Bujnicki, J. M. (2019). RNA 3D structure prediction guided by independent folding of homologous sequences, BMC Bioinformatics, **19-06-15** rna-tools used for spliceosome! :-) is accepted for publication! See [this folder]( for the description of the analysis! Eysmont, K., Matylla-Kulinska, K., Jaskulska, A., Magnus, M., & Konarska, M. M. (2019). Rearrangements within the U6 snRNA core at the transition between the two catalytic steps of splicing. Molecular Cell See also [CHANGELOG]( Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Tour](#tour) * [](#rna_pdb_toolspy) * [Tools](#tools) * [Docs](#docs) * [Cite](#cite) * [Used in papers](#used-in-papers) * [RNA Puzzle Submission](#rna-puzzle-submission) * [Inspiration (and alternatives)](#inspiration-and-alternatives) * [Install](#install) * [Index of Tools](#index-of-tools) * [rna\_pdb\_tools\.py](#rna_pdb_toolspy) * [Sequence analysis](#sequence-analysis) * [Secondary structure analysis](#secondary-structure-analysis) * [Tertiary structure comparison](#tertiary-structure-comparison) * [Tertiary structure formats](#tertiary-structure-formats) * [Tertiary structure analysis](#tertiary-structure-analysis) * [Tertiary structure processing](#tertiary-structure-processing) * [PyMOL4RNA](#pymol4rna) * [SimRNA](#simrna) * [Rosetta](#rosetta) * [RNA Alignment](#rna-alignment) * [Python Classes](#python-classes) * [Other](#other) * [Index of Jupyter Notebooks](#index-of-jupyters) * [References](#references) ## Tour Take a tour ## ``` usage: [-h] [--version] [-r] [--no-progress-bar] [--renum-atoms] [--renum-nmr] [--renum-residues-dirty] [--undo] [--delete-anisou] [--fix] [--to-mol2] [--split-alt-locations] [-c] [--is-pdb] [--is-nmr] [--nmr-dir NMR_DIR] [--un-nmr] [--orgmode] [--get-chain GET_CHAIN] [--fetch] [--fetch-ba] [--fetch-chain] [--get-seq] [--color-seq] [--ignore-files IGNORE_FILES] [--compact] [--hide-warnings] [--get-ss] [--rosetta2generic] [--no-hr] [--renumber-residues] [--dont-rename-chains] [--dont-fix-missing-atoms] [--inspect] [--collapsed-view] [--cv] [-v] [--mutate MUTATE] [--edit EDIT] [--rename-chain RENAME_CHAIN] [--swap-chains SWAP_CHAINS] [--set-chain SET_CHAIN] [--replace-chain REPLACE_CHAIN] [--delete DELETE] [--extract EXTRACT] [--extract-chain EXTRACT_CHAIN] [--uniq UNIQ] [--chain-first] [--oneline] [--replace-htm] [--fasta] [--cif2pdb] [--pdb2cif] [--mdr] [--get-rnapuzzle-ready] [--rpr] [--keep-hetatm] [--inplace] [--here] [--suffix SUFFIX] [--replace-hetatm] [--dont-report-missing-atoms] [--backbone-only] [--no-backbone] [--bases-only] file [file ...] rna_pdb_tools - a swiss army knife to manipulation of RNA pdb structures Usage:: $ --delete A:46-56 --inplace *.pdb $ --get-seq * # BujnickiLab_RNApuzzle14_n01bound > A:1-61 # BujnickiLab_RNApuzzle14_n02bound > A:1-61 CGUUAGCCCAGGAAACUGGGCGGAAGUAAGGCCCAUUGCACUCCGGGCCUGAAGCAACGCG [...] See `` to merge PDB files in the order as you like into one NMR-like (multimodel) file -v is for verbose, --version for version ;) positional arguments: file file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version -r, --report get report --no-progress-bar for --no-progress-bar for --rpr --renum-atoms renumber atoms, tested with --get-seq --renum-nmr --renum-residues-dirty --undo undo operation of action done --inplace, , rename "backup files" .pdb~ to pdb, ALL files in the folder, not only ~ related to the last action (that you might want to revert, so be careful) --delete-anisou remove files with ANISOU records, works with --inplace --fix fix a PDB file, ! external program, pdbfixer used to fix missing atoms --to-mol2 fix a PDB file, ! external program, pdbfixer used to fix missing atoms --split-alt-locations @todo -c, --clean get clean structure --is-pdb check if a file is in the pdb format --is-nmr check if a file is NMR-style multiple model pdb --nmr-dir NMR_DIR make NMR-style multiple model pdb file from a set of files --nmr-dir . 'cwc15_u5_fragments*.pdb' > ~/Desktop/cwc15-u5.pdb please use '' for pattern file recognition, this is a hack to deal with folders with thousands of models, if you used only *.pdb then the terminal will complain that you selected to many files. --un-nmr split NMR-style multiple model pdb files into individual models [biopython] --orgmode get a structure in org-mode format --get-chain GET_CHAIN get chain, one or many, e.g, A, but now also ABC works --fetch fetch file from the PDB db, e.g., 1xjr, use 'rp' to fetchthe RNA-Puzzles standardized_dataset [around 100 MB] --fetch-ba fetch biological assembly from the PDB db --fetch-chain fetch a structure in extract chain, e.g. 6bk8 H --get-seq get seq --color-seq color seq, works with --get-seq --ignore-files IGNORE_FILES files to be ingored, .e.g, 'solution' --compact with --get-seq, get it in compact view' $ --get-seq --compact *.pdb # 20_Bujnicki_1 ACCCGCAAGGCCGACGGCGCCGCCGCUGGUGCAAGUCCAGCCACGCUUCGGCGUGGGCGCUCAUGGGU # A:1-68 # 20_Bujnicki_2 ACCCGCAAGGCCGACGGCGCCGCCGCUGGUGCAAGUCCAGCCACGCUUCGGCGUGGGCGCUCAUGGGU # A:1-68 # 20_Bujnicki_3 ACCCGCAAGGCCGACGGCGCCGCCGCUGGUGCAAGUCCAGCCACGCUUCGGCGUGGGCGCUCAUGGGU # A:1-68 # 20_Bujnicki_4 --hide-warnings hide warnings, works with --get-chain, it hides warnings that given changes are not detected in a PDB file --get-ss get secondary structure --rosetta2generic convert ROSETTA-like format to a generic pdb --no-hr do not insert the header into files --renumber-residues by defult is false --dont-rename-chains used only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready. By default: --get-rnapuzzle-ready rename chains from ABC.. to stop behavior switch on this option --dont-fix-missing-atoms used only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready --inspect inspect missing atoms (technically decorator to --get-rnapuzzle-ready without actually doing anything but giving a report on problems) --collapsed-view --cv alias to collapsed_view -v, --verbose tell me more what you're doing, please! --mutate MUTATE mutate residues, e.g., --mutate "A:1a+2a+3a+4a,B:1a" to mutate to adenines the first four nucleotides of the chain A and the first nucleotide of the chain B --edit EDIT edit 'A:6>B:200', 'A:2-7>B:2-7' --rename-chain RENAME_CHAIN edit 'A>B' to rename chain A to chain B --swap-chains SWAP_CHAINS B>A, rename A to _, then B to A, then _ to B --set-chain SET_CHAIN set chain for all ATOM lines and TER (quite brutal function) --replace-chain REPLACE_CHAIN a file PDB name with one chain that will be used to replace the chain in the original PDB file, the chain id in this file has to be the same with the chain id of the original chain --delete DELETE delete the selected fragment, e.g. A:10-16, or for more than one fragment --delete 'A:1-25+30-57' --extract EXTRACT extract the selected fragment, e.g. A:10-16, or for more than one fragment --extract 'A:1-25+30-57' --extract-chain EXTRACT_CHAIN extract chain, e.g. A --uniq UNIQ --get-seq --uniq '[:5]' --compact --chain-first * | sort A:1-121 ACCUUGCGCAACUGGCGAAUCCUGGGGCUGCCGCCGGCAGUACCC...CA # rp13nc3295_min.out.1 A:1-123 ACCUUGCGCGACUGGCGAAUCCUGAAGCUGCUUUGAGCGGCUUCG...AG # rp13cp0016_min.out.1 A:1-123 ACCUUGCGCGACUGGCGAAUCCUGAAGCUGCUUUGAGCGGCUUCG...AG # zcp_6537608a_ALL-000001_AA A:1-45 57-71 GGGUCGUGACUGGCGAACAGGUGGGAAACCACCGGGGAGCGACCCGCCGCCCGCCUGGGC # solution --chain-first --oneline --replace-htm --fasta with --get-seq, show sequences in fasta format, can be combined with --compact (mind, chains will be separated with ' ' in one line) $ --get-seq --fasta --compact input/20_Bujnicki_1.pdb > 20_Bujnicki_1 ACCCGCAAGGCCGACGGC GCCGCCGCUGGUGCAAGUCCAGCCACGCUUCGGCGUGGGCGCUCAUGGGU --cif2pdb [PyMOL Python package required] --pdb2cif [PyMOL Python package required] --mdr get structures ready for MD (like rpr but without first) RNAPUZZLE-READY: --get-rnapuzzle-ready get RNApuzzle ready (keep only standard atoms).' Be default it does not renumber residues, use --renumber-residues [requires BioPython] --rpr alias to get_rnapuzzle ready) CAN BE COMBINED WITH: --keep-hetatm keep hetatoms --inplace in place edit the file! [experimental, only for get_rnapuzzle_ready, --delete, --get-ss, --get-seq, --edit-pdb] --here save a file next to the original file with auto suffix for --extract it's .extr.pdb --suffix SUFFIX when used with --inplace allows you to change a name of a new file, --suffix del will give _del.pdb (mind added _) --replace-hetatm replace 'HETATM' with 'ATOM' [tested only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready] --dont-report-missing-atoms used only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready --backbone-only used only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready, keep only backbone (= remove bases) --no-backbone used only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready, remove atoms of backbone (define as P OP1 OP2 O5') --bases-only used only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready, keep only atoms of bases ``` Tricks: $ --delete A:48-52 --suffix=noloop --inplace 10_rp17c.out.14.pdb 10_rp17c.out.14_out.pdb [..] $ --get-rnapuzzle-ready --inplace *.pdb .. keep original structures in original and use rpr: ➜ bujnicki_server_ss for i in original/*.pdb; do --get-rnapuzzle-ready $i > ${i/.pdb/_rpr.pdb}; done ➜ bujnicki_server_ss ls 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust01-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust06-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust02-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust07-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust03-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust08-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust04-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust09-000001_AA_rpr.pdb 17pz_withSS_all_thrs6.00A_clust05-000001_AA_rpr.pdb original .. or to get structures ready for SimRNA/SimRNAweb use : $ for i in *pdb; do --get-rnapuzzle-ready $i > ${i/.pdb/_srr.pdb}; done # at some point there was a seperate function --get_simrna_ready but there is no need for it # simply use --get-rnapuzzle-ready rna-tools loves to be used with parallel (wirte in shell script what you want rna-tools to do) and run to execute it in a set of folders: parallel --bar --eta --progress 'cp {} && cd {} && bash ' ::: * ## Tools The (almost) full list of tools can be found here: Read more ## Docs Read the documentations at []( ## Cite Magnus M, Antczak M, Zok T, Wiedemann J, Lukasiak P, Cao Y, Bujnicki JM, Westhof E, Szachniuk M, Miao Z. RNA-Puzzles toolkit: a computational resource of RNA 3D structure benchmark datasets, structure manipulation, and evaluation tools. Nucleic Acids Research. 2019 10.1093/nar/gkz1108 ## Used in papers The papers in which the rna-tools package was used or one of spin-off projects, e.g., [RNA-Puzzles-Normalized-submissions](, [PyMOL4Spliceosome]( [12] C. van der Feltz, B. Nikolai, C. Schneider, J. C. Paulson, X. Fu, and A. A. Hoskins, “Saccharomyces cerevisiaeEcm2 Modulates the Catalytic Steps of pre-mRNA Splicing,” bioRxiv, vol. 4, pp. 2132–45, Sep. 2020. [11] T. Zhang, G. Hu, Y. Yang, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, “All-Atom Knowledge-Based Potential for RNA Structure Discrimination Based on the Distance-Scaled Finite Ideal-Gas Reference State.,” J. Comput. Biol., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 856–867, Jun. 2020. [10] F. Stefaniak and J. M. Bujnicki, “AnnapuRNA: a scoring function for predicting RNA-small molecule interactions.,” 2020 [9] G. Chojnowski, M. Magnus, and J. M. Bujnicki, “RNA fragment assembly with experimental restraints,” (in progress) Jun. 2020. [8] A. M. Watkins, R. Rangan, and R. Das, “FARFAR2: Improved De Novo Rosetta Prediction of Complex Global RNA Folds.,” Structure, Jun. 2020. [7] Z. Miao, R. W. Adamiak, M. Antczak, M. J. Boniecki, J. M. Bujnicki, S.-J. Chen, C. Y. Cheng, Y. Cheng, F.-C. Chou, R. Das, N. V. Dokholyan, F. Ding, C. Geniesse, Y. Jiang, A. Joshi, A. Krokhotin, M. Magnus, O. Mailhot, F. Major, T. H. Mann, P. Piatkowski, R. Pluta, M. Popenda, J. Sarzynska, L. Sun, M. Szachniuk, S. Tian, J. Wang, J. Wang, A. M. Watkins, J. Wiedemann, Y. Xiao, X. Xu, J. D. Yesselman, D. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, C. Zhao, P. Zhao, Y. Zhou, T. Zok, A. Zyła, A. Ren, R. T. Batey, B. L. Golden, L. Huang, D. M. Lilley, Y. Liu, D. J. Patel, and E. Westhof, “RNA-Puzzles Round IV: 3D structure predictions of four ribozymes and two aptamers.,” RNA, p. rna.075341.120, May 2020. [6] M. Magnus, K. Kappel, R. Das, and J. M. Bujnicki, “RNA 3D structure prediction guided by independent folding of homologous sequences.,” BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 512–15, Oct. 2019. [5] K. Eysmont, K. Matylla-Kulinska, A. Jaskulska, M. Magnus, and M. M. Konarska, “Rearrangements within the U6 snRNA Core during the Transition between the Two Catalytic Steps of Splicing.,” Molecular Cell, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 538–548.e3, Aug. 2019. [4] J. Li, W. Zhu, J. Wang, W. Li, S. Gong, J. Zhang, and W. Wang, “RNA3DCNN: Local and global quality assessments of RNA 3D structures using 3D deep convolutional neural networks.,” PLoS Comput Biol, vol. 14, no. 11, p. e1006514, Nov. 2018. [3] P. Boccaletto, M. Magnus, C. Almeida, A. Zyła, A. Astha, R. Pluta, B. Bagiński, E. J. Jankowska, S. Dunin-Horkawicz, T. K. Wirecki, M. J. Boniecki, F. Stefaniak, and J. M. Bujnicki, “RNArchitecture: a database and a classification system of RNA families, with a focus on structural information.,” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. D202–D205, Jan. 2018. [2] M. Magnus, M. J. Boniecki, W. K. Dawson, and J. M. Bujnicki, “SimRNAweb: a web server for RNA 3D structure modeling with optional restraints.,” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. W315–9, Jul. 2016. [1] I. Tuszyńska, M. Magnus, K. Jonak, W. K. Dawson, and J. M. Bujnicki, “NPDock: a web server for protein-nucleic acid docking.,” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. W425–30, Jul. 2015. ## RNA Puzzle Submission Read at ## Inspiration (and alternatives) + + + + + + + an amazing PDB fixer! + .. and more! ## Install Simply run (this is recommended for most of the users): $ pip install rna-tools Get the newest version from this GitHub repository: $ git clone $ cd rna-tools && pip install -e . or (to install in current `./src/`): pip install -e git+ ## Index of tools The index in a form of a searchable table can be found [here]( * [Index of tools](#index-of-tools) * [rna\_pdb\_tools\.py](#rna_pdb_toolspy) * [Sequence analysis](#sequence-analysis) * [Secondary structure analysis](#secondary-structure-analysis) * [Tertiary structure comparison](#tertiary-structure-comparison) * [Tertiary structure formats](#tertiary-structure-formats) * [Tertiary structure analysis](#tertiary-structure-analysis) * [Tertiary structure processing](#tertiary-structure-processing) * [PyMOL4RNA](#pymol4rna) * [SimRNA](#simrna) * [Rosetta](#rosetta) * [RNA Alignment](#rna-alignment) * [Python Classes](#python-classes) * [Other](#other)

1. `--get-rnapuzzle-ready` format PDB file to be compatible with the "RNA-Puzzle PDB format", 1. `--report` get report 1. `--renum-atoms` renumber atoms, tested with --get-seq 1. `--renum-residues-dirty` 1. `--renumber-residues` by defult is false 1. `--delete-anisou` remove files with ANISOU records, works with --inplace 1. `--split-alt-locations` 1. `--clean` get clean structure 1. `--is-pdb` check if a file is in the pdb format 1. `--is-nmr` check if a file is NMR-style multiple model pdb 1. `--un-nmr` Split NMR-style multiple model pdb files into individual models [biopython] 1. `--orgmode` get a structure in org-mode format 1. `--get-chain GET_CHAIN` 1. `--fetch` fetch file from the PDB db 1. `--fetch-ba` fetch biological assembly from the PDB db 1. `--get-seq` get seq 1. `--compact` with --get-seq, get it in compact view' 1. `--get-ss` get secondary structure 1. `--rosetta2generic` convert ROSETTA-like format to a generic pdb 1. `--get-rnapuzzle-ready` 1. `--collapsed-view` 1. `--replace-hetatm` replace 'HETATM' with 'ATOM' [tested only with --get-rnapuzzle-ready] 1. `--mutate MUTATE` mutate residues, 1. `--edit EDIT` edit 'A:6>B:200', 'A:2-7>B:2-7' 1. `--rename-chain RENAME_CHAIN` 1. `--swap-chains SWAP_CHAINS` 1. `--replace-chain REPLACE_CHAIN` 1. `--delete DELETE` delete the selected fragment, e.g. A:10-16, or for more than one fragment --delete 'A:1-25+30-57' 1. `--extract EXTRACT` extract the selected fragment, e.g. A:10-16, or for more than one fragment --extract 'A:1-25+30-57' 1. `--extract-chain EXTRACT_CHAIN` ### Sequence analysis 1. - a simple Blast search, 1. - a simple Rfam search. ### Secondary structure analysis 1. - a wrapper for secondary structure prediction methods, e.g., cyclefold, mcfold,ipknot, RNAsubopt, contextfold, centroid_fold, with a use of restraints (if applicable) 1. `` - convert dot notation to ct notation. 1. secondary structure format conversion tools ### Tertiary structure comparison 1. **``** - calculate RMSDs of structures to the target 1. **``** - calculate RMSD between structures based on a given alignment and selected residues as defined in the "x line", 1. **``** - including multiprocessing based on ClaRNA (in Python 2!) 1. **``** - a tool for visualizing RNA 3D structures based on pairwise structural similarity with Clans, 1. `` - calculate significance of an RNA tertiary structure prediction. ### Tertiary structure formats 1. diffpdb - a simple tool to compare text-content of PDB files, 1. `` - merge single files into an NMR-style multiple model file PDB file. ### Tertiary structure analysis 1. **``** - a wrapper to ClaRNA, See also PyMOL4RNA, Python 2! 1. **``** - a wrapper to 3dna, See also PyMOL4RNA, 1. `` - a simple clash score calculator, used in NPDock, requires BioPython, ### Tertiary structure processing 1. `` - a wrapper for QRNAS (Quick Refinement of Nucleic Acids) ### PyMOL4RNA 1. Undo ("Quick Save & Load") for PyMOL, `CTRL-S` & `CTRL-Z`, 1. [PyMOL4Spliceosome]( (link to its own repository) 1. `clarna()` - contact classification with ClaRNA directly in PyMOL for selected residues, 1. `x3dna()` - contact classification with X3DNA directly in PyMOL for selected residues, 1. `ss()` - get secondary structures of selected objects, 1. `sav ` - save on Desktop a session and a PNG file illustrating the session, 1. color structure domains according to pre-defined styles, e.g., `rp17()` 1. [PyMOL Preview Generator for OSX](


1. `` 1. `` 1. `rna_simrna_get_data` 1. `` 1. SimRNAweb: `` - download model files, trajectory for a given SimRNAweb job 1. `` - insert fragments into the structure, used at the SimRNAweb server for modeling with a given pre-define structure, 1. `` - edit occupancy or bfactor in PDB file, 1. `` - convert multi-line SimRNA secondary structure format to one line bracket format, 1. `` - do opposite as previous one, convert one line bracket format with pseudoknots into multi-line SimRNA secondary structure format, 1. See also `simrna_trajectory` in Python Classes.


1. `` 1. `` 1. `` 1. `` 1. `` 1. `` 1. `` ### RNA Alignment 1. `get_seq()` - get sequence, 1. `get_ss()` - get secondary structure for a given sequence, 1. `fetch()` - fetch an alignment from Rfam, 1. `cmalign()` - aligns the RNA sequences in to the covariance model (CM) in 1. `Rchie()` - plotting arc diagrams of RNA secondary structures, 1. `find_core()` - finds core of molecules in alignment, ### Python Classes 1. `` - seq processing, including secondary structure prediction 1. `` 1. `` 1. `simrna_trajectory` ### Other 1. rnakb_utils - RNAkb-related tools, 1. rnapuzzle_sender - a script to send PDB files to the RNA-Puzzle organizers, 1. rnashape2ascii - convert RNA shape data into ascii characters ;-) `▅▄▆▄▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▅▇▅▄▃▂▁` 1. cluster_load - scripts to view cluster load, based on processing `qstat`. ## Index of Jupyters - - ## References Components of rna-tools are based upon the following pieces of scientific literature: P. J. A. Cock, T. Antao, J. T. Chang, B. A. Chapman, C. J. Cox, A. Dalke, I. Friedberg, T. Hamelryck, F. Kauff, B. Wilczynski, and M. J. L. de Hoon, “Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics.,” Bioinformatics, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1422–1423, Jun. 2009. M. Rother, K. M. Rother, T. Puton, and J. M. Bujnicki, “ModeRNA: a tool for comparative modeling of RNA 3D structure.,” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 4007–4022, May 2011. T. Waleń, G. Chojnowski, P. Gierski, and J. M. Bujnicki, “ClaRNA: a classifier of contacts in RNA 3D structures ased on a comparative analysis of various classification schemes.,” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 42, no. 19, pp. e151–e151, Oct. 2014. and more, see seperate readmes.