showteeth / DEbPeak

DEbPeak - Analyze and integrate multi-omics to unravel the regulation of gene expression.
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analysis atac-seq chip-seq count-matrix differential-expression geo integration m6a-seq peak-related rna-seq transcription-factors visualization

DEbPeak - Analyze and integrate multi-omics to unravel the regulation of gene expression.

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DEbPeak aims to explore, visualize, interpret multi-omics data and unravel the regulation of gene expression by combining RNA-seq with peak-related data (eg: ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, m6a-seq et al.). It contains eleven functional modules:

To enhance the ease of use of the tool, we have also developed an web server for DEbPeak that allows users to submit files to the web page and set parameters to get the desired results. Unlike the standalone R package, the web server has built-in DESeq2 for differential analysis, while the R package can accept user input results from DESeq2 or edgeR, which will be more flexible.

By the way, all plots generated are publication-ready , and most of them are based on ggplot2, so that users can easily modify them according to their needs. We also provide various color palettes, including discrete and continuous, color blind friendly and multiple categorical variables.



Application scenarios for multi-omics integration



R package

You can install the package via the Github repository:

# install.packages("devtools")   #In case you have not installed it.

# install prerequisites for enrichplot and ChIPseeker
devtools::install_version("ggfun", version = "0.0.6", repos = "")
devtools::install_version("aplot", version = "0.1.6", repos = "")
devtools::install_version("scatterpie", version = "0.1.7", repos = "")

# For mac, you may need to install xquartz: brew install --cask xquartz

# install DEbPeak

In general, it is recommended to install from Github repository (update more timely).

For other issues about installation, please refer Installation guide.

Install additional tools:

# install MSPC --- consensus peak
wget --quiet -O && unzip -q -d mspc && cd mspc && chmod +x mspc

# install meme --- motif anaysis
## install from source
cd /opt && wget --quiet -O meme-5.5.5.tar.gz && tar -zxf meme-5.5.5.tar.gz && cd meme-5.5.5 && ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/meme-5.5.5/meme --enable-build-libxml2 --enable-build-libxslt && make && make install
## install from conda: conda install -c bioconda meme

# install homer --- motif enrichment
## install from source
mkdir homer && cd homer && wget --quiet -O && chmod +x && perl -install
## install from conda: conda install -c bioconda homer
## Downloading Homer Packages:

# install deeptools and bart
pip install deeptools numpy pandas scipy tables scikit-learn matplotlib
wget --quiet -O bart_v2.0.tar.gz && tar -zxf bart_v2.0.tar.gz
## Download the resources and setup the configuration file


We also provide a docker image to use:

# pull the image
docker pull soyabean/debpeak:1.2

# run the image
docker run --rm -p 8888:8787 -e PASSWORD=passwd -e ROOT=TRUE -it soyabean/debpeak:1.2




Detailed usage is available in here. We divide these vignettes into four categories:

Function list

Type Function Description Key packages
Parse GEO ParseGEO Extract study information, raw count matrix and metadata from GEO database GEOquery
Quality Control CountQC Quality control on count matrix (gene detection sensitivity and sequencing depth saturation) NOISeq
SampleRelation Quality control on samples (sample clustering based on euclidean distance and pearson correlation coefficient) stats
OutlierDetection Detect outlier with robust PCA rrcov
QCPCA PCA related functions used in quality control (batch detection and correction, outlier detection) stats, sva, rrcov
Principal Component Analysis PCA Conduct principal component analysis stats
PCABasic Generated PCA baisc plots, including screen plot, biplot and pairs plot PCAtools
ExportPCGenes Export genes of selected PCs tidyverse
LoadingPlot PCA loading plot, including bar plot and heatmap ggplot2, ComplexHeatmap
LoadingGO GO enrichment on PC’s loading genes clusterProfiler
PCA3D Create 3D PCA plot plot3D
Differential Analysis ExtractDA Extract differential analysis results tidyverse
VolcanoPlot VolcanoPlot for differential analysis results ggplot2
ScatterPlot ScatterPlot for differential analysis results ggplot2
MAPlot MA-plot for differential analysis results ggplot2
RankPlot Rank plot for differential analysis results ggplot2
GenePlot Gene expresion or peak accessibility/binding plot ggplot2
DEHeatmap Heatmap for differential analysis results ComplexHeatmap
DiffPeakPie Stat genomic regions of differential peaks with pie plot ggpie
ConductDESeq2 Conduct differential analysis with DESeq2 NOISeq, stats, sva, rrcov, PCAtools, DESeq2, ggplot2, ComplexHeatmap, clusterProfiler, plot3D, tidyverse
Functional Enrichment Analysis ConductFE Conduct functional enrichment analysis (GO and KEGG) clusterProfiler
ConductGSEA Conduct gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) clusterProfiler
VisGSEA Visualize GSEA results enrichplot
Predict Transcription Factors InferRegulator Predict TFs   from RNA-seq data with ChEA3, BART2 and TFEA.ChIP ChEA3, BART2,   TFEA.ChIP
VizRegulator Visualize the   Identified TFs ggplot2
Motif Analysis MotifEnrich Motif enrichment for differentially accessible/binding peaks HOMER
MotifDiscovery de novo motif discovery with STREME MEME
MotifCompare Map motifs against a motif database with Tomtom MEME
Peak-related Analysis PeakMatrix Prepare count matrix and sample metadata for peak-related data DiffBind, ChIPseeker
GetConsensusPeak Get consensus peak from replicates MSPC
PeakProfile Visualize peak accessibility/binding profile ChIPseeker
AnnoPeak Assign peaks with the genomic binding region and nearby genes ChIPseeker
PeakAnnoPie Visualize peak annotation results with pie plot ggpie
Integrate RNA-seq with Peak-related Data DEbPeak Integrate differential expression results and peak annotation/differential analysis results. tidyverse
DEbPeakFE GO enrichment on integrated results clusterProfiler
DEbCA Integrate differential expression results and peak annotation results (two kinds of peak-related data) tidyverse
ProcessEnhancer Get genes near differential peaks IRanges
InteVenn Create a Venn diagram for integrated results (support DEbPeak, DEbDE, PeakbPeak) ggvenn
InteDiffQuad Create quadrant diagram for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq and peak-related data ggplot2
NetViz Visualize   enhancer-gene network results igraph,   ggnetwork
FindMotif Find motif on integrated results HOMER
Integrate RNA-seq with RNA-seq DEbDE Integrate Two Differential Expression Results tidyverse
DEbDEFE GO Enrichment on Two Differential Expression Integration Results. clusterProfiler
Integrate Peak-related Data with Peak-related Data PeakbPeak Integrate Two Peak Annotation/Differential Analysis Results. tidyverse
PeakbPeakFE GO Enrichment on Two Peak Annotation/Differential Analysis Integration Results. clusterProfiler

EnrichPlot Create a bar or   dot plot for selected functional enrichment analysis results (GO and KEGG) ggplot2
IDConversion Gene ID conversion between ENSEMBL ENTREZID SYMBOL clusterProfiler
GetGeneLength Get gene length from GTF GenomicFeatures, GenomicRanges
NormalizedCount Perform counts normalization (DESeq2’s median of ratios, TMM, CPM, RPKM, TPM) DESeq2, edgeR, tidyverse



For any question, feature request or bug report please write an email to

Code of Conduct

Please note that the DEbPeak project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.