tii-racing / drone-racing-dataset

A fully-annotated, open-design dataset of autonomous and piloted high-speed flight
MIT License
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autonomous-robots computer-vision control dataset drone-racing inertial-data motion-capture motion-capture-data path-planning quadrotor robotics ros2 scene-understanding vision visual-inertial-odometry

Race Against the Machine

A Fully-annotated, Open-design Dataset of Autonomous and Piloted High-speed Flight


This repository contains a dataset characterized by:

If you use this repo, you can cite the companion paper as:

         author={Bosello, Michael and Aguiari, Davide and Keuter, Yvo and Pallotta, Enrico and Kiade, Sara and Caminati, Gyordan and Pinzarrone, Flavio and Halepota, Junaid and Panerati, Jacopo and Pau, Giovanni},
         journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
         title={Race Against the Machine: A Fully-Annotated, Open-Design Dataset of Autonomous and Piloted High-Speed Flight}, 


Tested on October 2023 with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Python 3.8), macOS 14 (Python 3.11), Windows 11 (Python 3.9).

Clone the repository and install the requirements:

git clone https://github.com/Drone-Racing/drone-racing-dataset.git
cd drone-racing-dataset
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

From folder drone-racing-dataset/, use the following scripts to download the dataset files.

On Ubuntu and macOS:

sudo apt install wget   # or, e.g, `brew install wget` on macOS
sudo chmod +x data_downloader.sh

On Windows, double-click on file drone-racing-dataset/data_downloader.cmd

This will create and populate 2 folders in the root of the repository:

data/piloted/ and data/autonomous/ contain 12 and 18 flight-.../ folders respectively.

Data Format

For each flight, 2 CSV files are provided:

Each CSV file contains the following columns:

Column Number and Quantity Name Unit Data Type
0. elapsed_time $s$ float
1. timestamp $\mu s$ int
2. img_filename n/a string
3. accel_[x/y/z] $m/s^2$ float
6. gyro_[x/y/z] $rad/s$ float
9. thrust[0-3] $1$ float $\in [0,1]$
13. channels_[roll/pitch/thrust/yaw] $1$ int $\in [1000,2000]$
17. aux[1-4] $1$ int $\in [1000,2000]$
21. vbat $V$ float
22. drone_[x/y/z] $m$ float
25. drone_[roll/pitch/yaw] $rad$ float
28. drone_velocity_linear_[x/y/z] $m/s$ float
31. drone_velocity_angular_[x/y/z] $rad/s$ float
34. drone_residual $m$ float
35. drone_rot[[0-8]] $1$ float
44. gate[1-4]_int_[x/y/z] $m$ float
56. gate[1-4]_int_[roll/pitch/yaw] $rad$ float
68. gate[1-4]_int_residual $m$ float
72. gate[1-4]_int_rot[[0-8]] $1$ float
108. gate[1-4]_marker[1-4]_[x/y/z] $m$ float

Image Format

For each flight, 2 folders contain the Arducam video capture data:

Labels Format

Each TXT file contains lines in the form 0 cx cy w h tlx tly tlv trx try trv brx bry brv blx bly blv where:

All values are in pixel coordinates normalized with respect to image size. The keypoints label format follows the COCO definition. The gates/lines in each TXT file are not ordered.

Visualization Scripts

The scripts in the scripts/ folder can be used to visualize the data and to convert the data to other formats.

To plot one of the CSVs, for example, use:

cd scripts/
python3 ./data_plotting.py --csv-file ../data/autonomous/flight-01a-ellipse/flight-01a-ellipse_cam_ts_sync.csv

To visualize the Arducam frames and labels, use (press SPACE to advance, CTRL+C to exit), for example:

cd scripts/
python3 ./label_visualization.py --flight flight-01a-ellipse

FPV Racing Drone Open Design

Folder quadrotor/ contains the bill of material and STL files of the COTS/open design of the racing drone used to collect the dataset. In the same folder, you can also find the Betaflight parameters backup used to configure the drone. A tutorial to assemble the drone is on YouTube.

ROS2 Bags

Tested on October 2023 with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

ROS2 .sqlite3 bags are stored in the ros2bag_.../ folder of each flight.

The rosbags contain topic with custom messages defined in the repository drone-racing-msgs.

To play a rosbag:

mkdir -p ~/drone_racing_ws/src
cd ~/drone_racing_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/tii-racing/drone-racing-msgs.git
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build --symlink-install
source ~/drone_racing_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 bag play data/autonomous/flight-01a-ellipse/ros2bag_flight-01a-ellipse
source ~/drone_racing_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 topic list
ros2 topic echo sensors/imu

Additional Resources

├── camera_calibration
│   ├── calibration_results_trackRATM.json - Camera parameters of trackRATM flights in JSON format.
│   ├── calibration_results_trackRATM.npz - Camera parameters of trackRATM flights in NumPy format.
│   ├── calibration_results.json - Camera parameters of ellipse and lemniscate flights in JSON format.
│   ├── calibration_results.npz - Camera parameters of ellipse and lemniscate flights in NumPy format.
│   └── drone_to_camera.json - Drone to camera in JSON format. Translation was measured by MoCap, rotation is an estimation, and includes the FLU to RDF conversion.
├── ...
└── scripts
    ├── trajectory_generation
    │   ├── ellipse.py - Script used to generate the trajectories of autonomous ellipse flights.
    │   ├── lemniscate.py - Script used to generate the trajectories of autonomous lemniscate flights.
    │   ├── trajectory.py - Base class for trajectory generation.
    ├── camera_calibration.py - Script used to generate the files in `camera_calibration/`.
    ├── create_std_bag.py - Script used to generate standard ROS2 bags with `Image`, `Imu`, and `PoseStamped` messages. 
    │                       Standard bags are not provided in the dataset because of their size (>10GB each).
    │                       You will need the ROS2 workspace with the custom messages installed (see section "ROS2 Bags").
    ├── data_interpolation.py - Script used to generate the comprehensive CSV files interpolated at arbitrary frequencies.
    ├── ...
    ├── measure_dtw.py - Script used to measure the DTW distance between trajectories of same mode and shape.
    └── reference_controller.py - Python implementation of the PID controller used for the autonomous flights.


The dataset released in Race Against the Machine A Fully-annotated, Open-design Dataset of Autonomous and Piloted High-speed Flight by TII Racing Jetsetters is licensed under CC BY 4.0