wollewald / ICM20948_WE

An Arduino library for the ICM20948 9-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. It contains many example sketches with lots of comments to make it easy to use.
MIT License
36 stars 5 forks source link
accelerometer arduino gyroscope i2c icm-20948 icm20948 imu magnetometer spi


An Arduino library for the ICM-20948 9-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. It contains many example sketches with lots of comments to make it easy to use. It works with I2C and SPI.

I have not implemented DMP features and most probably I won't do that in future. That would exceed the time I can invest.

You can find a documentation in my blog:

https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/icm-20948-9-achsensensor-teil-i (German)

https://wolles-elektronikkiste.de/en/icm-20948-9-axis-sensor-part-i (English)

If you find bugs please inform me. If you like the library it would be great if you could give it a star.

If you are not familiar with the ICM20948 I recommend to work through the example sketches.

When you wire the ICM-20948 you need to consider that VDD is 3.3 volts, but VDDIO is only 1.71-1.95 volts (see data sheet). For a 5V MCU board, I used a level shifter and additional resistors to GND.

Known issue: