I got this error while starting to run this pipeline, any ideas how to fix?
AttributeError in line 6 of /home/data/Megan/nanopore/pipeline-transcriptome-de/Snakefile:
'Workflow' object has no attr…
I have `HiFi + HiC, Nanopore + HiC data`
The draft assembly of `HiFi data` was finished by `Hifiasm`, draft assembly of` Nanopore data` was finished by `Nextdenova` and the resulti…
Thank you so much for this amazing tool!
So I am checking the consistency between the SV calls after randomizing and splitting the reads into two equal datasets. Each dataset is of arou…
Do you think centrifuge would be successful at classifying 16S reads from Oxford Nanopore? The nanopore reads cover the entire 16S gene (1522bp) but have a high error rate (10-15%). Have you tried …
I am writing to get input from experienced ones. I got nanopore data and using q2ONT command line to process my 16srRNA gene seq data. After demuliplexing, adapters removal, and trimming the re…
Depending on what data is available at any moment, we may need to perform analysis with only short (illumina) reads, only long (Oxford Nanopore aka ONT) reads, or a hybrid analysis using both short an…
ONT data does needs adapter chopping, quality filtering and length filtering. Adapter chopping for nanopore now references porechop, which is unmaintained as of 2018. Nanoflt is also recommended. I th…
Hello MerenLab,
While at EBAME I was encouraged to open this discussion by @FlorianTrigodet and @ivagljiva, and bring it to @semiller10's attention.
DNA methylation is on the verge of constituti…
It looks like this set of analysis tools is set up for analyzing paired-end sequencing data. Is it also possible to analyze long read data (ONT, PacBio), which aren't in paired-end format?
Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error and how to fix it?
`/projects/nanopore-working/niki/bin/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/importlib/_bootstrap.py:219: RuntimeWarning: This module has been dep…