## Aim
Write a tutorial (with pictures) that explains how nucleotide distance matrices are generated
## Background
Since it is best to start simple and get more complex, we are starting by…
Hello I have performed a search using as query nucleotide multifasta and as a target an aminoacidic multifasta. The alignment is performed at aminoacidic level by translating the nucleotide multifasta…
region argument in plot_arcs_compare does not behave as expected. This argument still displays the entire sequence x-axis but only plots interactions that begin prior to the region cutoff. Even if the…
Credit to @NkRMnZr, who found this one before I did.
Description: JN.1.1/HW.1.1 (XBC., HW.1.1 Spike, JN.1 beginning and end.
Private mutations: Really private: C5878T, C15946C, C27635T
We are trying to test our local installation of checkm2 by reproducing Completeness data for assemblies listed in Supplementary Table 6 from the preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.…
**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Switch to Macro - Sequence mode
2. Load from file (unzip first) : [Possible to drop selection.zip](https://github.com/epam/ketcher/files/14929441/Possible.to.drop.selecti…
Is it possible to allow any nucleotide to map to a specific location without penalty?
For example, we have a reference sequence: G*AC, where * can be any nucleotide.
We want to allow GAAC, GTAC, G…
Currently, when we autodetect a new sequence file, we assume it is in the nucleotide alphabet, which is wrong. We need a function which, given a FASTA sequence file, does Deep Content Inspection to de…
leto updated
13 years ago
The [Centrifuge website](https://www.ccb.jhu.edu/software/centrifuge/) has a link to the [NCBI nucleotide non-redundant sequences index](https://genome-idx.s3.amazonaws.com/centrifuge/nt_2018_3_3.tar.…
- MS on real nucleotide molecules (not only MS on AA sequences that use
nucleotide sequence databases)
- MS experiments on glycans
=> extend schema with SmallMoleculeCollection, GlycanCollection,…