Using RL nav sat transform to create an outdoor GPS waypoint following demo, both with and without fusing in some other mapping methods (v-slam, lidar slam, localizers, etc).
The case of with SLAM …
- [ ] setup new model
- speed should be an input to the last layer
- predicted traj should include x,y coords as well as speed.
- think about how to normalize. rl script should output real…
Mimic the `sklearn.datasets` module with functions to load the example datasets from `yaImpute` ~~(pending approval for us to share the datasets)~~. Unlike `sklearn`, probably package datasets in a pu…
Are there any points or suggestions for running FUEL in MARSIM? thanks.
For task 6 of RoboBoat, we will need to identify the target for the Feed the Fish target, and we need to know where the boat is relative to the target. Refer to the [handbook](https://robonation.org/a…
While selecting ndt_mapping from the runtime manager in the computing tap ,showing error in the terminal as
"**RLException: [ndt_mapping.launch] is neither a launch file in package [lidar_localize…
## Feature request
### Description
Taken from the first sentence of http://introlab.github.io/rtabmap:
> RTAB-Map (Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping) is a RGB-D, Stereo and Lidar Graph-Based SLAM …
First, thank you for this amazing work, its really interesting and im looking forward to work with it !
My question is quite straight forward : is it possible to have the same result if we want…
Hi @anhquancao, thanks for your excellent repo.
I met a problem when I was trying to generate the demo for SemanticKITTI dataset. That is, I have generated all .pkl files for validation (sequence 0…
Thanks for this open source work.
I am training a fusion model on my custom dataset
I wanted to understand the reasoning behind these extra max pooling layers and how do I know, if I nee…