I'm using turtlebot 2 with kobuki base. I have launched a world file with turtlebot, the turtlebot came in its default positiom (0,0,0). Now i want my robot to be at (-1.6,0,0). I have made the change…
when waiterbot is is returnning to dock after delivery
[ INFO] [1446521157.475459787]: /young/docking_interactor : Return to dock
[ INFO] [1446521157.494034004]: AR tracker reconfigured: ENABLED …
Not sure, if this is a bug or I am missing sth. Here is what I am doing:
I have created a custom message, which works except the array of strings. My test message contains a normal string, a string a…
This happens when a package wasn't actually released at the time a bug was reported. As `rosinstall_generator` by default uses releases (not source repositories), this leads to `.rosinstall` files bei…
Let's make turtlebot_actions useful.
A standard battery of dead reckoning tests for turtlebot_actions move action server. Along with an android app to access them.
Can the L3G4200D gyro rate be modified in the driver of ROS? The gyro update rate in Kobuki is approximately 104Hz(I measure it by rostopic hz), however the highest rate is up to 855hz, so I wonder if…
I've noticed a control dead time of approximately 200 milliseconds (time between the control command is sent to the hardware to the first change in odometry readings) in the Turtlebot2 firmware. This …
I found that ros package ```kobuki_capabilities``` depends on 2 rocon packages(```rocon_apps``` and ```rocon_app_manager```). When installing it along with turtlebot stack (via apt-get on ubuntu), roc…
Bill has something along these lines. With the current configuration, what I'd like to perhaps have is
- library of component urdf's
- script which will generate full robot urdf from the library
* [x] Keyop - upgrade → #3
* [x] Node - upgrade → #9
* [ ] Keyop - testing & integration (replicate & verify ye olde `keyop.launch` and `safe_keyop.launch`)
* [ ] Keyop - documentation (…