### Affected ROS2 Driver version(s)
### Used ROS distribution.
### Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.
Ubuntu Linux with standard kernel
### How is the UR R…
Hi! I am using the cartesian controllers with ros2 humble and ur10e robot. I was going to remap the `cartesian_motion_controller/current_pose`, `cartesian_compliance_controller/current_pose` and `cart…
Hi, @yzqin
I try to use the [[shadow_hand_right.urdf](https://github.com/dexsuite/dex-urdf/blob/main/robots/hands/shadow_hand/shadow_hand_right.urdf)](https://github.com/dexsuite/dex-urdf/blob/mai…
Hey there,
very glad I found your code. However, Im struggling to get it to run on the UR5 model available at [1]. Not sure whether its the right model at all though .. if so people seem to have rena…
Hi authours, I am using the cartesian compliance controller with UR10e on Ubuntu 20.04 ROS1 noetic, and teleoperating the robot by publishing `pose_stamped` messages to the controller. I am using a c…
I have a problem when I want to add a publication to a topic directly on the UR. I followed the whole tutorial to the letter, but after launching the `roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_tc…
`start_ursim.sh` defaults to using `${PERSISTENT_BASE}/${ROBOT_SERIES}` as base for urcap and program storage. This means that the same storage is shared between different robots of a series which can…
Hi, I have a task where I have to move a UR10e bot on a flat surface, following a trajectory (defined using a set of Poses in a Pose_Array) while applying a constant force of 10N in Z direction.
So f…
### Affected ROS Driver version(s)
### Used ROS distribution.
### Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.
Linux in a virtual machine
### How is the UR ROS Drive…
I have successfully integrated CHOMP as a post-processing optimizer following OMPL in my MoveIt2 setup for a UR10e arm. While I have managed to get it operational, I'm encountering behavior that I don…