Hi there, I'm trying to use OpenVINS for VIO with my realsense d455 camera. I was looking through the issues/tutorial on youtube and I'm able to get it 'working' except when I move the camera slightly…
imu::Vector convertToEuler(const imu::Quaternion &orientation)
imu::Vector euler = orientation.toEuler();
// reverse the vector, since it returns in z, y, x
euler = imu::Vector(…
- the tutorial contains auxiliary data but those channels are not physically linked to anything on the headstage
- the imu axes are wrong, should be 0, -1, 0 for proper operation
Hi, thanks for your job. I wonder how you calibrate the timeoffset between imu and panorama image in RICOH THETA Z1 or such camera? Thanks!
### Robot Model
Turtlebot4 Lite
### ROS distro
### Networking Configuration
Simple Discovery
### OS
Ubuntu 22.04
### Built from source or installed?
### Package version
![Screenshot from 2024-09-24 08-45-50](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/048ec3f2-150b-47c2-ad1e-abda4013275b)
I'm conducting tests using turtlebot and velodyne simulator, but th…
1. Which TurtleBot3 platform do you use?
- [x] Waffle Pi
2. Which ROS is working with TurtleBot3?
- [x] ROS 1 Noetic
3. Please describe the issue in detail.
I am using Ubuntu 20.0…
My imu is CH110。After running roslaunch hipnuc_imu imu_msg.launch, there is no data output. What could be the error? RVIZ can find topic /IMU_data