Hi, and many thanks for the excellent annotation tool. I have a query regarding viral AMG annotation. I have a bunch of viral contigs identified through metagenomics. The contigs were cleaned using C…
I was wondering whether you recommend to dereplicate and filter viral contigs identified by viral sorting tools like VIBRANT, VirSorter2, etc. before running PropagAtE or if you recommend to us…
I hope this is not redundant with another issue.
It seems that there might be an issue with passing check point 1 and I am not sure about the reason. No idea if that could impact the final…
I realized that after Falcon Unzip I have some p-contigs of length 0 (there is an empty line), while there are haplotigs for that sequence. Counting the length:
000870F [empty]
Both the contigs and unitigs of the sample `SRR19579649` are missing the accession in their headers.
aws s3 cp s3://logan-pub/u/SRR19579649/SRR19579649.unitigs.fa.zst - | seqkit fx2tab -n | …
When you look at the affi contigs file sometimes it says CP12 next to it. Is this the gene CP12 that inhibits the Calvin Benson Cycle or is this something else?
quickmerge -d out.rq_1.delta -q /ufrc/pelzstelinski/sneupane/Analysis_of_Demultiplexed_10_wDi_DNA_HMW_Unpure_1st_Elution/wDi_canu_seqtk45_CCS_1000_corr0.015_500_100_GOOD/uni_corrected/assembly_edited.…
### Description of bug
I launched a job two weeks ago and it finally completed today. It is a soil metagenome sample which have been preprossed by fastp/bfc (I used bfc instead of the built-in baye…
Hi, thanks for providing such a good tool.
I noticed that in the Guidelines, bacphlip can predict only **complete** phage. However, as you know, in the metagenomic data, the assembled contigs maybe…
Hi @ilyaminkin,
We've run into another minor issue that we _think_ is a bug. I wanted to report the behavior here to get your feedback on it. Basically, what we're seeing is that, for a small n…
rob-p updated
7 years ago