We should consider doing 3D lidar demos analog to the VSLAM demos currently happening. In 3D SLAM-world the suggestions I'd throw out to consider:
- HDL SLAM / Localization https://github.com/koide3/…
First off, thank you for your exciting contribution to the field of Active Learning for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection!
While going through your code, I stumbled upon two things:
- The config …
https://github.com/jayhaych02/AeroScan - Slideshow for Presentation & Proof of Concept Video are included
Project Abstract
AeroScan is a simulated autonomous security patrol drone designed to…
I use following code to generate the 3D point cloud with [N, 3] in (x, y, z)
```lidar = read('lidar')
lidar_calib = read('lidar_calibration')
camera_calib = read('camera_calibration')
I have been trying to import a 2D and 3D lidar to turtlebot3_waffle using the provided sample turtlebot scene tutorial.
**What I am trying to do ** is that, if I translate and rotate the turtlebot…
Hello author, thanks for your great job.
Is it possible to use a 3D lidar in this project, and should I build a map from 3D SLAM before running this project?
Woy01 updated
2 years ago
I was wondering whether this repo of yours is a project for boxmot tracking with LiDAR's 3d pointcloud? @mx2013713828
Thanks for your open source project
I am trying to perform a 3D Slam with a rslidar only on rrtamap_ros but I am stuck.
I used your test_velodyne.launch file and tried to adapt it to rslidar …
### Model/Dataset/Scheduler description
I have been training using the provided models bevfusion_lidar-cam_voxel0075_second_secfpn_8xb4-cyclic-20e_nus-3d-5239b1af.pth and swint-nu…
Hello guys,
I'm trying to set up my Summit-XL robot for SLAM (using a 3D Lidar and RGBD Camera) in ros-Kinetic. I found out about this package and I thought it was perfect for what I had in mind. T…