According to the Softbank docs the vertical lasers are rotated by ~30 degrees [1]. This seems to be not the case in the generated URDF [2].
You can also observe this in RVIZ, see:
Hey Igor, thank you for the interesting repo... I am trying to get it to work but I cannot figure out how the speech recognition (which is running fine on my pepper) communicates with the conversation…
roslaunch jsk_pepper_startup jsk_pepper_stratup.launch
unused args [frame_id, memory_key] for include of [/home/nao/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_bridge/naoqi_sensors/launch/sonar.launch]
```roslaunch pepper_bringup pepper_full_py.launch nao_ip:= roscore_ip:=```
rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs…
The values for distortion_model and D is blank in /pepper_robot/camera/depth/camera_info like below:
These two are supposed to be:
distortion_model: plumb_bob
D: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0…
Hello, I am trying to get my pepper robot to perform some simple speech task. I can follow the tutorial all the way up to "Creating a robot application". It seems like step 2 where you "robotify" the …
今後、jsk_naoqi_robot/cross を NAOでも使えるといいなと思い、
1. ロボット体内で立ち上げるプログラム (jsk_nao_startup.launchに直す必要がある)
I'm doing some research regarding navigation solutions with pepper robot. Because of the current situation I'm not able to work on a real robot so I was wandering is there any way that I could …
There're some data issues on Bridge dataset. E.g.,
Episode 6656: move the yellow cloth behind the pot with the mushroom. But the robot was picking up the mushroom and place it in the pot.
Episode 91…
I'm new to pepper robot.could you tell me how to use your repo?