Find an appropriate machine learning model - if the model is compact enough, find an appropriate method to communicate data to phone, otherwise communicate to PC.
The delay is not import for the industry, engineer can set orchestrator in the lower layer of middleware. It can avoid the serialization.
Or avoid the serialation to recevie rawmessage, or use no-se…
I executed code to test dexnet installtion on ubuntu 14 and 16 both in CPU machine.
user/catkin_ws/src/dexnet python setup.py test .
**floating point exception core dumped.** err…
I have installed all the required dependencies for running gqcnn code following your GQCNN 1.0.0 documentation .I am trying to run examples/policy.py with dexnet 2.0 pretrained model but getting …
* Nearby: there's an adhoc mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sdo-iot-sync
* Dedicated github repo: https://github.com/iot-schema-collab
* Slack: https://iot-schema-collab.slack.c…
@liesrock @DavideAntonucci @EdoardoRomiti
Hi all,
I am doing some work to improve our workflow concerning robot URDF/SRDF/capsules generation, and simulation, too.
## Why
The weak points of our …
Is there going to be a ROS Melodic support?
//Sample from PerceptionCamera.cs (Unity Perception package)
void CaptureRgbData(Camera cam)
if (!captureRgbImages)
Today we use a 2D costmap of independent cells. While this is a good and cheap way of saving some relevant information, it will bound us for the foreseeable future to 2.5D land.
If we want to suppo…
Hello @RomanRobotnik,
We have two RBKAIROS units in the iCORE Lab at Louisiana State University. We are working on a large scale project and need to bring all systems (summit_xl, 3d reconstruction,…