@AIBluefisher, hello, is it possible to partition the scene like CMVS or method introduced by Maura, Massimo et al. using GraphSfM? Should I just use lower completeness ratio when performing `point_cl…
I have pipewire and wireplumber running as a system-wide systemd service and when trying out this application i get:
`Error: "failed to connect: Host is down"`.
To test out if it really is the sys…
Hi, I wish to extract pose information about my Zed stereo camera that is running ORBSLAM2. I see in the MapPoint.h file there is a function GetWorldPos(), but it returns a Mat. In what format is this…
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'depthai_ros_msgs'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(luxonis/depthai-ros/depthai_ros_msgs)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
-- d…
Thanks for adding this, as for high-speed video this is often different than the playback rate put as meta-data in the recorded video file (also becomes there is no SMPTE FPS above 120), the last one …
I run the euroc_mono, tum_rgbd and those launch file and i get :
[orb_slam3-2] process has died [pid 2417, exit code -11, cmd /home/ace428/catkin_ws/devel/lib/orb_slam3_ros/ros_mono /camera/im…
I have managed to run the code on some stereo pair images from the Middlebury dataset and the result is quite ok.
But when I try to use it on other rectified stereo pairs from my own cameras or fr…
I compiled OpenVINS and RTAB-Map from source, but I get warnings when running them saying my TF tree connection is not normal. Can someone please help me check what the issue might be?
I think the…
Hi I use Torch7, OpenCV3, png++ (0.2.9) and libpng1.6 on an Ubuntu 16.04
I get following error when I run
./main.lua kitti fast -a predict -net_fname net/net_kitti_fast_-a_train_all.t7 -left samp…
I want to learn more about the algorithms and theory behind processing IR images and how the dots are used to get depth information. Can I find that somewhere? I'm not sure if in the `SDK` source code…