Thanks for your great work,
I want to ask how to connect the board with mid-360, do you have a schematic for the connection?
Hello everyone,
I am currently working with the Livox HAP TX LiDAR sensor and have encountered an issue where I am not receiving any TF (transform) data. Here’s a brief overview of my setup and wha…
郑博您好,我在进行 21UC 相机和 mid360 雷达的外参数标定工作,考虑到 solidworks 里面可以测量21UC相机和mid360雷达之间的尺寸参数,但是我不太确定需要测量哪两个点之间的参数才能得到外参数矩阵。还有一种方法是使用 livox camera calib 这个工作成果,我尝试了一下效果不太理想,可能是我找的环境,特征不够明显。如果我想从 solidworks 里面获取外参数…
I experience random crashes due to UB on SDK example. The crash occurs every time I use livox_lidar_quick_start (it is little more stable when I use SDK). Here is stack for crashed `livox_lidar_quick_…
1.激光雷达(LiDAR)传感器 - **LIVOX AVIA**
2.惯性测量单元(IMU)- **AVIA Build in IMU**
3. 摄像头(Camera)-
4. 计算机(Onboard Comput…
In order to use a simple api,i read the source code livox_lidar_sdk.cpp, and use DeviceManager::GetInstance().Init(host_ip, log_cfg_info)) to init lidar,but i get a segmentation fault. could you hel…
I am using MID360 for my application to build the SLAM.
I am using FASTLIO for that. It usually works great.
I am doing data collection for more than 40 mins at single run and split…
We want to test the HAP Lidar in LIO-Livox, and we think the SDK2 environment is OK. Our environment is Ubuntu18.04 and ROS1 Meliodic.
When we run the SDK2 in this "livox_lidar_quick_start", our HAP…
![截图 2024-07-27 21-21-24](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/36e4c6d1-2bcd-4f53-add4-f05fb0baa021)
![截图 2024-07-27 21-21-37](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/bb648ac3-feaf-47d2-923b…
SysCommand.publish - Unknown message class 'Livox/CustomMsg'
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Unity.Robotics.ROSTCPConnector.ROSConnection:ReceiveSysCommand (string,string) (at C:/Users/niuwj.DIG…