Hi Everyone, I downloaded the outdoor data of mid-360 https://terra-1-g.djicdn.com/65c028cd298f4669a7f0e40e50ba1131/Mid360/Outdoor_sampledata.lvx2 from this link. I tried to convert it rosbag file, I …
I try to use rmw_iceoryx for ROS2.
But, rosbag is not working with following message when I use rmw_iceoryx.
[ERROR] [1600054268.858603503] [rosbag2_transport]: Failed to record: Failed to …
**Describe the bug**
The file generated from the [ROSBAG Recording](https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/sdk/en/latest/samples/recording/SDK_rosbag_record/) code sample—specifically, the `recording.bag`…
使用qt直接运行的时候由于没有source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash,运行带有rosbag的包会报错;
[rospack] Error: package 'rosbag_storage' not found
[librospack]: error while executing command
terminate called after throwing…
Very nice work!
I want to test the program and my own dataset seem something wrong. Can you provide your test data?
Furthermore, I have't seen any code about defining the IMU biases and noise, any h…
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Hi, I am in ROS2 humble, ubuntu 22.04
I have downloaded the [rooftop_ouster_dataset.bag](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gJHwfdHCRdjP7vuT556pv8atqrCJPbUq) from here. Then I used [rosbags](htt…
Does this package only convert KITTI raw dataset to a rosbag file? Or can it be used to convert KITTI 3D Object dataset: https://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_object.php?obj_benchmark=3d to a ros…