Could you help us when we want to delete unnecessary nodes, which wouldn't be deleted even though we executed `rosnode kill `?
First, we found some topics have already existed before we launch nothi…
We want to display an arrow which shows a torque 3D direction indicating the largest torque change among pepper's joints, so we try using virtual_force_publisher.launch. However, the result seems uns…
roscd peppereus
roseus pepper-interface.l
;; extending gcstack 0x6728290[32738] --> 0x7c93980[65476] top=7fe1
[ WARN] [143…
pepper_description is not yet released
[peppereus] ==> '/home/jskuser/ros/hydro/build/peppereus/build_env.sh /usr/bin/m
ake cmake_check_build_system' in '/home/jskuser/ros/hydro/build/peppereus'
Only riotbots respect cuffs. Even when they cuff a zap-immune cyborg who then proceeds to beat them up while cuffed.
Eyebots will keep taking pictures and spawning policebots. Policebots will keep us…
The official packages are now at:
If you have anything you want to transfer, Kei has access.
Then, please remove the pepper_\* packages that are not official and the doc …
[irteus/irtrobot.l] fix for one leg robot (for example, pepper) #201 (euslisp/irteus)
sudo コマンドを使ってirtrobot.lの内容を書き換えて見たものの、実行したら次のエラー
According to https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/tree/master/jsk_pepper_robot, I tried to create Pepper environment.
I used my ubuntu 14.04 PC, in which nothing related to ROS was installed.
In robot-main.l, I had error below::
2.irteusgl$ main
[ERROR] [1430642041.454463597]: attempted to getTopic to topic robotsound, which was not previously advertised. call (ros::advertise "robotso…