## first-timers-only
This issue is tagged :octocat: **first-timers-only**. It is only for people who have never contributed to open source before, and are looking for an easy way take their first s…
# **Issue Report**
## **Description**
I am trying to build a visual front end for a robot. When nothing is happening a video should loop and when motion is detected a second video starts.
## first-timers-only
This issue is tagged :octocat: **first-timers-only**. It is only for people who have never contributed to open source before, and are looking for an easy way take their first s…
## first-timers-only
This issue is tagged :octocat: **first-timers-only**. It is only for people who have never contributed to open source before, and are looking for an easy way take their first s…
## first-timers-only
This issue is tagged :octocat: **first-timers-only**. It is only for people who have never contributed to open source before, and are looking for an easy way take their first s…
I'm working in on the `kinetic-devel` branch, and need to have the transmissions propagate actuator commands from actuator to joint space, but am having trouble figuring out how to make this happen b…
Sensors only stay paused while you are on the sensors tab. Is that the desired behavior? I can't recall and I was thinking that it stayed paused.
## Initial description:
Many contemporary robotic applications need precise simulation and prognosing of system dynamics. Making a lightweight application that is tailored to analysis of vehicle dy…
Hello there,
I want to create my own planner with reineforcement learning, for that I want to use the whole joint space that has been reduced by eigengrasps, could you tell me how to access those sta…
I installed octomap using sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octomap
then tried to install octovis using:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octovis
it shows E: unable to locate package
What could b…