I am running a differential contact analysis and I am now looking at the Chicdiff outputs. I am struggling to understand what each column represents for both the _results.rds and the getCand…
Mavti updated
2 years ago
I could not find any detail about the "great apes classification task". This is not the same species classification task used in the HyenaDNA paper and so I am curious as to the number of species you …
does not need involved in chromatin silencing?
Similar to Issue #59 , expanding the other samplers to include support for regression models and other continuous-value-predicting models would allow users to analyze gene expression data, chromatin …
### Lung-specific gene expression
- Identify the expression pattern for the marker genes of tissue-resident T cells
- [ ] integrate chromatin profiles with expression to validate the utility of …
Real data sources to use:
1. Mutations from the [AWS S3 MultiAssayExperiment for ACC](https://github.com/waldronlab/MultiAssayExperiment/blob/master/inst/extdata/miniACC.R)
2. ABSOLUTE copy number c…
Thanks for developing this good tool to call chromatin loops. Our HiC sample just has ~150million valid pairs, do you think mustache can be used to call loops? and what resolution should …
Add a function for RPKM, FPKM, and TPKM-like normalization, given total counts. For example, to normalize read counts/depth from chromatin accessibility assays.
Dear developers,
I found that there needs a PWM format text as input in the config file. However, Jaspar only provides PFM text and the R library construct a PWMatrixlist how to get the PWM format …
## Figure files
## Panel legends
## Supplementary files
## Methods
## Reproducibility
### Code to gene…