After modified some configs, it was build-succeed on my macOS Catalina, but...
/Users/bigjohhn/Codes/ORB_SLAM3/Examples/Monocular-Inertial/mono_inertial_euroc /Users/bigjohhn/Codes…
I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 with opencv 4.2. However, when initializing for optimization, there is always a Segmentation Fault. How can I solve this?
第一次编译算法的时候用的CUDA, and cuDNN, TensorRT和提供的版本一致,opencv用的3.3.1(CV_OVERRIDE编译不过去改成overrid编过去了)。
1. 关于TensorRT缓存结果无效的警告
2. 还有一个关于TensorRT与cuDNN版本不匹配的消息。…
Hello everyone!
I have a question about ORB_SLAM3 evaluation. I was wondering whats the things I have to do and what tools I should use to successfully evaluate and get RMSE values. As I looked into…
Hi, I tried to use your orb_slam3_ros code on a jetson xavier nx development board, catkin_make compiled successfully, but after using the `roslaunch orb_slam3_ros tum_rgbd.launch` command, the follow…
Dependencies installed just fine.
When running `cmake ..` inside OpenRealm/build i get the following error about fbow
-- Build type not specified, using Release
-- CUDA Support disabled.
I'm trying to build https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2. After some modifications in its cmake, I was able to get rid of OpenCV-related errors. However, now, I'm getting errors related to Pangolin:
I installed ORBSLAM2 in conjunction with RTAB-MAP.
I get this error when RTAB-MAP executes make.
It looks like it's a problem with gcc g++.
In ORBSLAM2 patch (from https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/42…