Ability to use the technical SDRF for MSFragger
I am having an error interrupt PD searches when running the MSFragger Node on PD 3.0. MSFragger version 4.1. It seems MSFragger is unsuccessful in generating the pepXML files in the temp fo…
Why does MSFragger in DIA mode write pepXML files with rank suffixes instead of using the hit_rank="N" attribute in a single pepXML? Is there an option to always write the DDA way?
Dear peptide-shaker team,
I receive this error when loading MSFragger result files :
> Sat Mar 09 23:03:26 CST 2024 Importing sequences from human_uniprot-proteome_UP000005640-2021.06.20.fa…
Hi there,
Thank you for developing and sharing such an amazing software! This is my first time using XiSearch as I previously used XlinkX and it is possible that I did something wrong but in my cas…
Alternatives to Comet:
MSFragger, Sage, Andromeda, Tide, MyriMatch, OMSSA, X!Tandem, MS Amanda, MS-GF+, ...
To implement:
- [x] MS Amanda - should be straightforward [docker](https://hub.docker.…
I am wondering if there is any plan for supporting MSFragger engine (Kong, 2017, Nature Methods)?
Hi PDV developer team,
We have been searching some o-linked enriched glyco-proteomics data using MSFragger. Can we visualize the spectra in PDV? Does PDV handle and show the diagnostic fragment mass…
Greetings @fcyu,
I am experiancing the error of: **{"error":"in ensemble 'Prosit_2020_intensity_HCD', Failed to process the request(s) for model instance 'Prosit_Preprocess_charge', message: IndexE…
- [x] OMSSA: Even if its old some some software like OpenMS still uses it. ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/lewisg/omssa/2.1.9/
- [x] recipe https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes/pull/19181