crud89 / LiteFX

Modern, flexible computer graphics and rendering engine, written in C++23 with support for Vulkan 🌋 and DirectX 12 ❎.
MIT License
84 stars 7 forks source link
computer-graphics cpp20 cpp23 d3d12 directx-12 directx-12-engine dx12 fluent-api graphics-engine rendering rendering-3d-graphics rendering-engine shaders vulkan vulkan-engine vulkan-renderer


An extensible, descriptive, modern computer graphics and rendering engine, written in C++23.

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LiteFX is a computer graphics engine, that can be used to quick-start developing applications using Vulkan 🌋 and/or DirectX 12 ❎ rendering APIs. It provides a flexible abstraction layer over modern graphics pipelines. Furthermore, it can easily be build and integrated using CMake. It naturally extents build scripts with functions that can be used to handle assets and compile shaders † and model dependencies to both.

The engine design follows an descriptive approach, which means that an application focuses on configuring what it needs and the engine then takes care of handling those requirements. To support this, the API also provides a fluent builder interface. Here is an example of how to easily setup a render pass graphics pipeline with a few lines of code:

UniquePtr<RenderPass> renderPass = device->buildRenderPass("Geometry")
    .renderTarget(RenderTargetType::Present, Format::B8G8R8A8_UNORM, MultiSamplingLevel::x1, RenderTargetFlags::Clear, { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f })
    .renderTarget(RenderTargetType::DepthStencil, Format::D32_SFLOAT, MultiSamplingLevel::x1, RenderTargetFlags::Clear, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f });

UniquePtr<RenderPipeline> renderPipeline = device->buildRenderPipeline(*renderPass, "Geometry")
        .descriptorSet(DescriptorSets::Constant, ShaderStage::Vertex | ShaderStage::Fragment)
            .withUniform(0, sizeof(CameraBuffer))
        .descriptorSet(DescriptorSets::PerFrame, ShaderStage::Vertex)
            .withUniform(0, sizeof(TransformBuffer))
        .withVertexShaderModule("shaders/basic_vs." + FileExtensions<TRenderBackend>::SHADER)
        .withFragmentShaderModule("shaders/basic_fs." + FileExtensions<TRenderBackend>::SHADER));

LiteFX is written in modern C++23, following established design patterns to make it easy to learn and adapt. Its focus is make the performance of modern graphics APIs easily accessible, whilst retaining full flexibility.

† Shaders can be built using glslc or DXC. glslc can be used to compile HLSL and GLSL shaders into SPIR-V for the Vulkan backend. DXC can only compile HLSL, but can target SPIR-V and DXIL, that's why it is preferred over glslc.

Key Features


If you just want to start using LiteFX, you can acquire binaries of the latest version from the releases page and follow the project setup and quick start guides.

Using vcpkg

If you are using vcpkg, you can use the registry to install the engine directly.

Manual Builds

You can also build the sources on your own. Currently only MSVC and Clang builds under Windows are officially supported. However, the engine does use CMake and (besides the DirectX 12 backend) no Windows-specific features, so porting the Vulkan backend and engine architecture should be absolutely possible (pull requests are much appreciated!).


In order for the project to be built, there are a few prerequisites that need to be present on your environment:

† Note that at least Visual Studio 17.10 or later is required.

‡ CMake 3.20 is part of Visual Studio 2022. When using other compilers, CMake needs to be installed manually.

Cloning the Repository

Create a new directory from where you want to build the sources. Then open your shell and clone the repository:

git clone --recursive .

Performing a Build

There are multiple ways of creating a build from scratch. In general, all CMake-based build systems are supported.

From Command Line

Building from command line is the most straightforward way and is typically sufficient, if you only want to consume a fresh build.

cmake src/ --preset windows-msvc-x64-release
cmake --build out/build/windows-msvc-x64-release/ --target install
Using Visual Studio

From Visual Studio open the folder where you just checked out the contents of the repository. In the Project Explorer change the view to CMake Targets. Right click LiteFX and select Install.

Build Customization

You can customize the engine build, according to your specific needs. The most straightforward way is to use CMake presets. Create a file called CMakeUserPresets.json inside the src/ directory and add the following content to it:

  "version": 2,
  "cmakeMinimumRequired": {
    "major": 3,
    "minor": 20,
    "patch": 0
  "configurePresets": [
      "name": "win-x64-custom-preset",
      "inherits": "windows-msvc-x64-release",
      "cacheVariables": {

Within the cache variables, you can override the build options, LiteFX exports. All customizable options have the LITEFX_BUILD_ prefix and are described in detail below:

For example, if you only want to build the Vulkan backend and samples and don't want to use DirectX Math, a preset would look like this:

  "version": 2,
  "cmakeMinimumRequired": {
    "major": 3,
    "minor": 20,
    "patch": 0
  "configurePresets": [
      "name": "win-x64-vulkan-only",
      "inherits": "windows-msvc-x64-release",
      "cacheVariables": {

You can build using this preset from command line like so:

cmake src/ --preset win-x64-vulkan-only
cmake --build out/build/win-x64-vulkan-only/ --target install --config Release

† Note that glm and DirectX Math are installed using vcpkg automatically. If one of those options gets disabled, no converters will be generated and the dependency will not be exported. Note that both can be used for DirectX 12 and Vulkan.


If you are having problems building the project, you may find answers in the wiki. Otherwise, feel free to start a discussion or open an issue.


All dependencies are automatically installed using vcpkg, when performing a manual build. The engine core by itself only has one hard dependency:

Depending on which rendering backends are build, the following dependencies are additionally linked against:

The math module can optionally be built with converters for the following math and linear algebra libraries:

Furthermore, the samples also use some libraries for convenience. Those dependencies are not exported and are not required by your application. You can use whatever replacement suits you best instead.

Getting Started

For a quick-start guide, a collection of tutorials and more in-depth information on how to use the engine and work with the code base, take a look at the documentation and the project wiki.


If you are having trouble using the engine, found a bug or have suggestions, just drop an issue. Keep in mind that this project is developed in my free time and I might not be able to provide any advanced support. If you want to, feel free to provide improvements by creating a pull request.

Projects using LiteFX

Want to add yours? Feel free to contact me!


LiteFX is licensed under the permissive MIT license. The documentation (i.e. the contents of the docs folder of this repository, especially the LiteFX logo, banner and icon) is licensed under CC-BY 4.0. Parts of this software are from third parties and are licensed under different terms. By using or redistributing this software, you agree to the terms of the third-party licenses mentioned in the NOTICE file, depending on the parts you use or re-distribute. Please refer to the above list to see which license terms you have to agree to.

If you want to use LiteFX in your projects, linking to project website and/or putting the logo in your project description is much appreciated.