melkati / CO2-Gadget

An advanced CO2 Monitor/Meter firmware for ESP32 with Android and iOS App for real time visualization and charting of air data, data logger, a variety of communication options (BLE, WIFI, MQTT, ESP-Now) and many supported sensors.
GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 13 forks source link
air air-quality co2 esp32 meter monitor mqtt quality scd30 scd40 scd41 scd4x senseair sensirion

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🌟 Calling All Tech Enthusiasts! Join the CO2 Gadget Testing Adventure 🌟


CO2-Gadget is an advanced firmware for CO2 Monitors/Meters based on ESP32. It's designed for flexibility, supporting a variety of popular sensors, displays, and communication protocols. With features like real-time visualization, data logging, and over-the-air updates, CO2-Gadget is perfect for both developers and end-users looking to monitor air quality effectively.

It's really flexible, you can use this firmware with any supported CO2 Monitor/Meter based on ESP32 (99% of them).

With cell phone App for real time visualization and charting of air quality data, datalogger, a variety of communication options (BLE, WIFI, MQTT, ESP-NOW) and many supported popular sensors.

This repository is mainly addressed at developers. If you are an end user willing to install and use the CO2 Gadget firmware, you will find complete instructions at my blog including instructions in how to install the firmware very easily, with just two clicks in your browser (without having edit files, compile or install anything on your computer).

If you don't have a CO2 Monitor you will also find some complete tutorials to build your own.


Supported hardware and build

This project support a large selection of ESP32 boards, displays and sensors.

As an example you can find a very detailed tutorial with step-by-step video on how to build a very compact CO2 Gadget with a TTGO T-Display board and a high quality Sensirion SCD30 dual channel NDIR CO2 sensor (and battery support) here.

For latest information on other hardware use (boards, sensors, displays, etc), please check options and GPIO to use at my blog CO2 Gadget firmware page

TFT Displays

CO2 Gadget right now has support for a lot of different TFT displays. There are precompiled versions for TFT 240x135 and 320x170 pixels displays (included in ready made all in one boards as TTGO T-Display, T-Display S3 and others).

E-INK Displays

You can use many different E-INK displays. There are precompiled versions for most popular E-INK displays and all in one boards with E-INK displays as TTGO T5. Check support for your e-ink display at CO2 Gadget installation page

OLED Displays

CO2 Gadget right now has support for many different OLED displays. There are precompiled versions for OLED I2C 1.3" 128x64 pixels display. CO2 Gadget OLED MH-Z1311A

ESP32 Boards

Supporting any other ESP32 board is very easy. Yoy just have to setup the pines accordly.

These are the GPIOs used by each predefined board:

Flavor Display RX/TX I2C SDA/SCL UP/DWN GPIO Orange GPIO Red GPIO Battery GPIO Neopixel GPIO Buzzer
TTGO_TDISPLAY TFT TFT 240Γ—135 13/12 21/22 35/0 32 33 34 26 2
TTGO_TDISPLAY_SANDWICH TFT 240Γ—135 13/12 22/21 35/0 32 33 34 26 2
TDISPLAY_S3 TFT 320x170 18/17 43/44 14/0 03 01 04 16 2
esp32dev_OLED SSH1106 SSH1106 128Γ—64 17/16 21/22 15/0 32 33 34 26 2
esp32dev No display 17/16 21/22 15/0 32 33 34 26 2
esp32dev-ST7789_240x320 ST7789_240x320 17/16 21/22 19/0 32 33 34 26 2

Supported sensors

This project uses the CanAirIO sensorlib library to support as many sensors as possible out of the box. Thanks to @hpsaturn and CanAirIO team.

CanAirIO sensorlib right now supports:

PM sensors

Sensor model UART I2C Detection mode Status
Honeywell HPMA115S0 Yes --- Auto DEPRECATED
Panasonic SN-GCJA5L Yes Yes Auto STABLE
Plantower models Yes --- Auto STABLE
Nova SDS011 Yes --- Auto STABLE
IKEA Vindriktning Yes --- Select STABLE
Sensirion SPS30 Yes Yes Select / Auto STABLE

NOTE: Panasonic via UART in ESP8266 maybe needs select in detection

CO2 sensors

Sensor model UART i2c Detection mode Status
Sensirion SCD30 --- Yes Auto STABLE
Sensirion SCD4x --- Yes Auto TESTING
MHZ19 Yes --- Select STABLE
CM1106 Yes --- Select STABLE
SenseAir S8 Yes --- Select STABLE

Environmental sensors

Sensor model Protocol Detection mode Status
AM2320 i2c Auto STABLE
SHT31 i2c Auto STABLE
AHT10 i2c Auto STABLE
BME280 i2c Auto STABLE
BMP280 i2c Auto STABLE
BME680 i2c Auto STABLE
DfRobot SEN0469 NH3 i2c Auto TESTING
DFRobot SEN0466 CO i2c Auto TESTING
Geiger CAJOE i2c Select TESTING

NOTE: DHT22 is supported but is not recommended

Full details on CanAirIO sensorlib here


Installing the CO2 Gadget advanced firmware on the board with the ESP32is super easy. You don't have to download or install anything on your PC.

Just click the button corresponding to the version you want to install, select the port where your board is connected and click "Connect". It's as simple as that, the uploading into the ESP32 will be done in a few seconds without any further complication with only a few clicks...

Visit the CO2 Gadget page to install from the comfort of your internet browser.

Building from Repository

Using PlatformIO (Recommended)

If you're looking to compile and install CO2 Gadget from its repository, PlatformIO is the preferred method. However, if you only aim to install CO2 Gadget onto your board, you can do so directly from here without compiling the firmware.

Installation Steps

You have two options for utilizing PlatformIO: either through its Command Line Interface (CLI) or via Visual Studio Code (VSCode) with PlatformIO's Graphical User Interface (GUI). Detailed installation instructions can be found here.

Preparing PlatformIO

Before proceeding, make sure to configure your preferences by editing the platformio.ini file, which is well-documented for easy customization. If required, adjust the upload and monitoring port configurations to match your setup.

upload_speed = 921600
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_port = COM13
monitor_port = COM13

Save the changes made to the platformio.ini file.

Compiling and Installation Process

For ease of use, PlatformIO is recommended over the Arduino IDE. After installing PlatformIO and its command line tools on your system (compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux), connect your compatible board via USB and execute the following command:

pio run -e TTGO_TDISPLAY --target upload

Ensure to replace "TTGO_TDISPLAY" with the desired flavor of CO2 Gadget to be compiled and uploaded. You can find these flavors defined in the platformio.ini file or define your own.

If using the PlatformIO GUI, follow these steps to compile and upload CO2-Gadget onto your board: press the "Alien head" icon, navigate to Project tasks, select your desired flavor, and choose Upload and Monitor.

Using Arduino

Note: At present, Arduino IDE is not supported. Should you wish to compile using the Arduino IDE, you will need to address includes, dependencies, and defines independently.

It's recommended to utilize VS Code with PlatformIO instead. Numerous tutorials are available online, simplifying the process considerably.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome to contribute to CO2 Gadget, regardless of their skill level or background. Whether you're tech-savvy, passionate about community development, or simply want to make a difference, there’s a role for you.

Contribute: See our Issues section to find current tasks or share your project ideas. Join us in creating the world's more advanced firmware for CO2 Monitoring.

If you want to contribute to the code or documentation, consider posting a bug report, feature request or a pull request.

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When creating a pull request, we recommend that you do the following:

There are also private groups for committed and dedicated Alpha and Beta Testers. Read more about it here 🌟 We need testers! 🌟

Supporting the project

Do you want to support the CO2-Gadget project? Thank you! While financial contributions are not requested, material donations are highly appreciated to aid further development. You can also help by spreading the word about CO2-Gadget and sharing your experiences with others.


Useful information


Thanks to all collaborators, contributors and to the eMariete community for testing and reports.

Special thanks to:

All the contributors that helped improving CO2 Gadget. You are awesome!

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Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Mariete & CO2 Gadget Contributors

This file is part of the CO2 Gadget firmware.

The CO2 Gadget firmware is free software: you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The Website and Documentation is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with the Website and Documentation. If not, see

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