microsud / Tools-Microbiome-Analysis

A list of R environment based tools for microbiome data exploration, statistical analysis and visualization
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16s-rrna amplicon amplicon-sequencing metagenomics microbial-communities microbiome-analysis microbiome-data microbiota


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You can cite this resource as:
Shetty, Sudarshan A., and Leo Lahti. Microbiome data science. Journal of biosciences 44, no. 5 (2019): 115.
Zendo: DOI

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We are working on an open source project developing R/Bioc methods, benchmarking data, and educational material for microbiome research based on the SummarizedExperiment class and its derivatives.
More information please check our website R/Bioc microbiome ecosystem with SummarizedExperiment
