Problem: Currently, we determine the success of a grasp based on whether the gripper is fully closed. This works well for most objects, since the gripper doesn't fully close due to their thickness. Ho…
I am trying to use this lib with my simulated point cloud under gazebo,but I am getting error in title. I see the log but there is no any meaningful output for further debug. Here is what hap…
hi !
This is a very good project
but I want to use a custom object to generate a grasping posture, but I reported an error
`pybullet build time: Nov 5 2023 19:16:14
using device cuda
pybullet bu…
Hi, Liang, I just used kinect2grasp.py with my simulation robot enviroment. I got GPG grasps like below(I removed the table points by z-axis distance in the world coordinate, and the object is the cra…
我的ROS版本是Melodic,gezebo环境,moveit Demo已经启动成功,但是在启动grasp 生成器时
`roslaunch as_arm_gazebo grasp_generator_server.launch`
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [moveit_simple_grasps/moveit_simple_gras…
Even without running the code on the real robot, testing & tuning on example grasps would be extremely useful.
@mayacakmak mentioned that we want to focus specifically on _bagged_ and _deformable_ …
As moveit_grasps was never ported to MoveIt 2 and removed, we should remove the tutorial page for it: https://moveit.picknik.ai/main/doc/examples/moveit_grasps/moveit_grasps_tutorial.html
When I use gpd to grab the first item, an error will be reported.
robot@WP:~$ roslaunch robot_sim gpd_run.launch type:=2 topic:=/cloud_sample
... logging to /home/robot/.ros/log/4f386c5a-0183-1…
When I run the command `python grabnet/tests/test.py ...`, I find that ground truth grasps (in blue) are unrealistic. Is it normal behaviour?
Subject 10, and object is a mug.