When I was running docker preprocessing, I had a problem uploading a local packet.
Under this directory is the Calibration example package, which includes a.yaml file, a.db3 file, and a.bag file
I am beginner of Lidar system. Can this code run on livox-Avia lidar direcly? or should I modify something. Could you advise to most stable mapping method or coding for livox Avia? Thank you.
Hi. I want to run livox_relocalization with data collected by our Livox LiDAR, but I don't know what the file "key_frame.txt" is.
I have connected the radar mid360 in the virtual machine, run rviz_mid360.launch, the initialization is successful, but there is no point cloud displayed in the rviz interface, frame is livox_frame,
I am using [livox_ros_driver2](https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_ros_driver2) to get lidar pointclouds from a Livox Mid360. I am getting a continuous stream of info messages coming from the livo…
Questions is on the last three rows. plz
roslaunch livox_ros_driver2 livox_lidar_msg_HAP.launch
... logging to /home/jmrd/.ros/log/728f89ee-3e12-11ed-b578-3cecef0…
Hi there
Could you please let me know how I can capture the lidar data in Python? since in Livox website (https://www.livoxtech.com/horizon), it is mentioned that "Livox SDK supports development la…
I'm trying convert HAP pointclouds to rosbag but I get
process[livox_lidar_publisher-2]: started with pid [11249]
[ INFO] [1665566076.098132372]: Livox Ros Driver Version: 2.6.0
[ INFO] [16655…
I create a node of external IMU instead of internal IMU on horizon.
And i use launch file livox_lidar_msg.launch loam_horizon loam_livox_horizon_ext_imu.launch(include external IMU node).
But i get…
I am trying to run on my bag files,
bash run_nodelet_avia.sh
bash run_loop_optimization.sh
For some reason the fastlio node dies after a few seconds, what could be the rea…