This issues has already been posted on PCL Mailinglist.
I just want to run kinfu_large_scale i…
Hi,when i run this code with my own dataset,it errors as:
Use config:
{'CONST': {'DEVICE': '0', 'NUM_WORKERS': 0, 'N_INPUT_POINTS': 2048},
'DATASET': {'TEST_DATASET': 'Completion3D', 'TRAIN_…
I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.
I am using an Intel RealSense R200 to capture a pointcloud. It publishes RGBD data on the topic `/camera/depth_registered/poin…
Thanks for the awesome project.
I am working with l515 lidar (live sensor).
As i am not working with bag files, so i made few changes in ssl_slam2_mapping.launch-
1) Removed first 2 lines th…
Hi everyone, I was following the guidance utilizing kitti2bag to visualize the pcd, however recently face this problem, havent found ways to solve, pls help me, Thanks in advance
**the termi…
**Describe the bug**
We use `pcl::io::savePCDFileBinaryCompressed(label_pcd_Name, *cloud_out);` to save our pcd file, and in most situation ,it works well. But in same output file(2 pcd files in 10…
when i run ":~/Tools_RosBag2KITTI/pcd2bin/CMakeFile# ./pcd2bin "it throws the mistake as follows:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
the filename of .pcd files is "000000i.pcd"
Could you …
The following is the TODO list of packages to document in order of priority.
- [x] #646
- [x] #700
- [ ] #698
Somewhat urgent
- [ ] Enhance README file and add JSDoc comments - `pass…
I tried too use it with some bag files but its not working; My tf are well published and synchronized but i still get these errors :
[elevation_mapping_ros2_node-2] [ERROR] [1719322435.533972011] …
Hi friends, when i tried `roslaunch scanner pipeline.launch`
It reported the error:
`[pcl::PCDReader::readHeader] Could not find file '/home/wlh/catkin_ws/devel/share/scanner/data/result/registerRes…