I tried to set the variables speed_limit and turn_limit with a .yaml file and when I run the launch file, the following appear as parameters:
- /teleop_twist_keyboard/speed_limit: 0.5
- /teleop_twi…
1. Which TurtleBot3 platform do you use?
- [o] Burger
- [ ] Waffle
- [ ] Waffle Pi
2. Which ROS is working with TurtleBot3?
- [ ] ROS 1 Kinetic …
`rosrun key_teleop key_teleop.py` gives me
File "~/catkin_ws/src/teleop_tools/key_teleop/scripts/key_teleop.py", line 63
raise ValueError, 'lineno out of bounds'
Hi Alex, and thanks for a very nice platform to build of, would it be any chance you could add Joy / teleop_twist_joy to you repository so i can use a Xbox controller ? i dont have a ds4 and have been…
List is from Gazebo simulation using keyboard
- [ ] Arms have unintended behaviour: wrist rotation does not rotate wrist (only gets it stuck at a maximum position), commands are sometimes not received…
It would be great to have an option to control hadabot from mobile phone using teleop page.
Teleop page is connected to ros2 on localhost.
It prevents from using teleop page to control hadabot fr…
Hello,Execution:roslaunch mavros_off-board mavros_posix_til.launch, there were no abnormalities, but the aircraft model was not displayed after Gazebo was started. However, execution: rosrun mavros_of…
Hi! Are there plans to support these for WidowX, similar to Franka?
It seems like backspace for A-Stop should work in autonomous mode, not just in practice mode. I'm worried that someone would get used to backspace during autonomous testing and would then run in auto …
I have down loaded and built the ROS2 project but I seem to be having a problem connecting the teleop node messages to the kinematics node. I am very new to ROS2.
This is the output of rqt.