Here is a dataset collected from two (not perfectly aligned) PS3 Eye cameras:
20180209_1736 - 2 x PS3 Eye + Android Sensors + OBD II data
Hi all ! I'm using VINS-Fusion for my custom bags with stereo camera + IMU. The weird thing i see is, the animation of the bot in the Rviz, moves pretty fast in the beginning, without even my camera f…
**Check if issue already exists**
- Google it (e.g. *error xy* github luxonis depthai)
- Check [troubleshooting](https://docs.luxonis.com/en/latest/pages/troubleshooting/) in documentation.
Hey. ......
I am using ROS2 Humble in Ubuntu 22.04. I installed the driver from ros binaries.
I tried to launch the camera.launch.py by setting it with this configurations :
Hi @matlabbe
I usually use RTAB-Map with a 3D LiDAR and wheel odometry to build indoor maps. However, I am starting a new project to build an outdoor map, similar to the video published by RTAB-Ma…
I get a oak-d s2 poe camera and just want to confirm how stereo camera works.
I read the documentation of depthai-ros as URL below:
[ERROR] [1727331187.845439, 2111.633000]: bad callback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rospy/topics.py", line 750, in _invoke_callback
## What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?
This would allow a camera to render an array of views to a texture array. The primary need that this fills is greatly improved performance o…
I realized, I posted, [this issue](https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/issues/1363#issue-2606638978) in the wrong repo, so, moving it here.
I've tried playing with various parameters within rtabmap …