**Describe the bug**
it throw an error, and no chart be rendered.
object.js:43 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot clone: unknown type of value (value: function se(e,t){return arguments.length===J&…
Hi. everyone. I was building a map of my office with both cartographer and gmapping. We have a 16 channel lidar on top of a robot providing both scan and point cloud data and a single channel lidar mo…
It would be useful to be able to replicate a MocoTrack optimization using a generic MocoStudy. Pretty much everything in MocoTrack can be easily replicated, except for these two methods, which contain…
I'm trying to integrate imu (MPU9250) into google cartographer. I publish the IMU data I obtain to the /imu topic by passing it through the Madgwick filter. When I check the sensor with ros_imu_plugin…
I am running ./arm_to_cart_pose.py on ubuntu 16.04 with openrave.0.9. sympy0.7.1
I am able to see the optimization process and it results converged but unble to visualize it with openrave logging err…
Right now, generating a movie is restricted to the animation tool (e.g., requires trajectories).
It would be great if we could move the animation code to a general class:
- movies of vibrations
I am new to TEB_local_planner. I am using TEB_local_planner for navigating a robot from point A to point B (and I have a global path via global_planner). The problem is that when robot faces t…
hello! I take care of you work with long time.I have some questions.I would like to know this work and you ego-planner are two different works in trajectory planning?I can use GCOPTER as a black box?t…
Hello ,
Very appreciated of your code share.Is there any related paper or blogs?
Thank you
**Hi,I am using the version around December 2017.Pure localization model(2d_Laser_R2000+IMU_LPMS).
The problem is this:**
### 1.Jump at similarity position
As shown in the following figure,when a r…