I download the sample data here: [Lidar IMU Initialization Datasets](https://connecthkuhk-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/zhufc_connect_hku_hk/EgdJ_F763sVOnkUNBRv-op8BmNL7eZrxETu2zSEAoiRX4A?e=cbNiJI)…
lid_topic: "/hesai/pandar"
Maybe I have solved this problem.
I try to adjust LIO_SAM system with 6-axis imu before, such as stim300, it works very well. When I use the senor combination of Pandar xT32 and BMI085(6-axis MEM…
I am a studient and I try, for a autonomous-car project, to communicate between a pandar40M and ROS melodic (ubuntu 18.04) (Virtual machine).
I followed "https://github.com/HesaiTechnolo…
I have an issue with Hesai Lidar and D435i, r3live mapping. When I launch the mapping file I got the following error.
not ready for odometry
**LiDAR incoming frame too old, need to be drop!!!**
Hi,nice project, i test on unground parking lot,but the roof feature points number always is 0;i use Velodyne_VLS128 and
Hesai pandar64, but both are 0, do you have any idea or suggestions? thank yo…
Hello all,
Thanks for Autoware for opensource.
I have been tested Autoware localization (lidar localizer using ndt_matching) with Velodyne (16, 32 and 64) model sensors and Ouster 64 channel senso…
I have an issue with Hesai Lidar and D435i, r3live mapping. When I launch the mapping file I got the following error.
not ready for odometry
LiDAR incoming frame too old, need to be drop!!!
e.g. for orin devkit
which lidars are supported by the package?
I followed the steps from README.md, but after the build with `catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` there is no install folder. Please take a look at the attached command history.