That would also allow to create some unit tests
for CTD2Galaxy. Yours, Steffen
Dear FragPipe Team,
Recently, I am fucosing on labile-mode search with FragPipe. However, I don't know how to get the matching results of fragment ions(b,y) with labile modification
Just like t…
Dear Sami Pietilä,
Thanks for excellent software for metaproteomic DIA data! I met a problem when running glaDIAtor on Windows 10 platform from web browser. My input rawdata was one of your exampl…
My peptide cannot be described with proforma.
Does anyone have an example script of how to annotate from a custom table of fragments in tabular format ie (name,mz)
```import matplotlib.pyplot as…
Dear Fragpipe Team,
thanks for your amazing work!
We are currently trying to extract information at fragment ion level from FragPipe results.
Ideally, we would need a report file that provides add…
I noticed this odd BN.1.3.5 singlet sequenced
BN.1.3.5 wasn't common in France, much more so in East/South East A…
Currently, `remove_unused_fragments` is only implemented for dense libraries.
An implementation for flat libraries would be very usefull and should be easy to implement.
Timstof .d directories are now natively supported by rust: https://github.com/lazear/sage/issues/117#issuecomment-1928514516, using timsrust to load them.
I just ran some quick tests on some test dat…
Currently, the IdScores are modelled as a List of key-value pairs: ["score1:value1", "score2:value2"]. This is good for compatibility across different parquet implementations duckDB, Rust Parquet etc.…
e.g. the query
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?_PubMed_ID
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 ;
rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P698 ?_PubMed_ID. }