bool read(const std::string path,
const std::string imu_topic,
const std::string lidar_topic,
const double bag_start = -1.0,
const double bag…
Hello. I used the compilation method. No errors occurred during assembly.
When I execute this command
`roslaunch horizon_highway_slam horizon_highway_slam_host.launch` then I have a black screen a…
- 平台:Nvidia Jetson Xavier
- 激光雷达:Livox Mid100
- GPS模块:U-blox 6
- 问题:使用GPS时间同步失败,debug发现RMC的packet读取有问题,不能准确读取到GPRMC的信息。举例如下:
fatal error: livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg.h: No such file or directory
I would like to know if the standard pointcloud2 format is still not supported and if so, what exactly is the reason for this?
I know that this format is supported in livox_ros_driver, would it take …
Hey, I was working on road slam using Point LIO. My slam was functioning well on an Ouster lidar with only lidar data before performing RANSAC, and this was my configuration.
I have setup turtlebot3 with velodyne lidar in gazebo and I can view the pointcloud in rviz2, and also checked the topics being published where imu_raw is also present. When i start scanmatcher I get …