IN "Now copy the folders from aerial_robotics/src/ folder into ~/catkin_ws/src/ and compile it"
Where is the "aerial_robotics/src/ folder?"
I can't find it./(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
Thank you for this great package for simulating MAV. I am running Ubuntu 16.04. The simulator is working perfectly. I want to set up my own environment. You have created the environment with the use o…
My test environment: Ubuntu 18.04, ROS melodic.
I follow the Btraj readme configuration steps as follows :
1. install armadillo
2. sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
I'm getting linear acceleration in z axis even without any movement of the camera.
Is it normal?
I think thats the reason my complementary filter drift when calculating the euler angles(rpy).
I found a small bug in random_forest_sensing.cpp
Here _**x,y*…
During the middle of planning, one of the initial cube generated by seed(i) and seed(i+1) failed(i.e the initial rectangle cube generated overlap with dynamic obstacle), what would happen next?
Thank you for sharing this great work!
Where can I find the definition of PolyFisheyeCamera model? I mean, is there any document about this camera model?
Can I using other camera model such as fishe…
When we run
`rosrun loop_fusion loop_fusion_node /home/dji/catkin_ws/src/localization/VINS-Fusion/config/realsense/realsense_stereo_imu_config.yaml`
in `sensing_estimation.sh`
there will be an err…
The simulator displays strange flight paths. And the drone flies strangely because of the fast changing route. Please check if it's only on my computer.
Because of the large outdoor space, x=40 y=40 z=5 is small in range. Can I disable this feature?