I want to run the real ur5 with kinect v2 or webcam, should run the files as below
` ecnu_ur5_setup_beta/ecnu_ur5_setup_bringup/launch/ecnu_ur5_setup.launch`
` ecnu_ur5_setup_beta/easy_ha…
thanks foe sharing your repo
can i use this repo for object tracking with ur5 (without fingers) and kinect ??
First of all, thanks for the great work.
I would like to know how to add the UR5 robot to the environment. From what I could gather in #10, I only need the MJCF XML, pybullet URDF and ik_co…
when i am cloning the UR5 module and then using the catkin_make i am getting the following error,
how can i resolve this error:
Could not find the required component 'dynamic_reconfigure'.…
When I roslaunch execute the following command ur_gazebo ur5_bringup.launch, Robotic arm model cannot be displayed in gazebo. But the output in the terminal seems normal.
Thanks for sharing your effort
when i `rosrun ur3_hardware ur3_mp.py`, it show:
`Failed to import pyassimp, see https://github.com/ros-planning/move
it/issues/86 for more info
### Affected ROS Driver version(s)
### Used ROS distribution.
### Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.
### How is the UR ROS Driver installed.
Build t…
So I am trying to do this, and the gazebo starts fine, but then when I start the motion_planning.py script, it just stays at Initializing node of kinematics, and i stayed like that 10 minutes or so, a…
When starting `roslaunch ur5_moveit_config demo.launch` the output displays 2 errors:
You can start planning now!
[ERROR] [1534105512.908357057]: No name given for the robot.
[ INFO] [153410…
I want the robot to be placed at a specific position in the environment so that I can manually build the world around it using `vamp.Environment()`. I tried modifying the URDF file, but it doesn't see…