We learned that the pepper has two IMU sensors located in the torso and base.
But after the individual rostopic echo, the following message
1. rostopic echo /naoqi_driver/imu/base
![Screenshot …
Pepper has limited grasping ability. It can only carry extremely light items, its joints have limited accuracy/precision, it has limited reach, limited dexterity and no gripper pressure sensing.
In Smoothie Chef task, the robot has to take fruits in the right order, but can we get the point even if the wrong objects are inserted in the right order?
For example, can we get the point in the fo…
When I download all packages and build properly without any error I run a MoveIt! and Gazebo. When I click start simulation in Gazebo robot is starting to falling and clamping the fingers in very stra…
- 移動は簡単
- 手を使うもの、細かい作業は大変
- アタッチメントを工夫するとよい
Started last week, several Peppers running self are crashing every 5-10 minutes, nothing in the SelfInstance.log files but several core files in self/latest
~/self/latest $ ls -lta core*
Create/Re-write the Robot class to have a dialog which asks the user how Pepper can be of service. Based on the user's input different applications/modules are started (e.g. Public Transportation app)…
The general scoring rules ( state: `No bonus points can be scored when the robot requests help to solve part of a task that normally would grant a bonus.`
Take out the Garbage sta…
If I implement the arm of a new robot but can't get any velocity / effort data for the arm's joints (through a JointState message), the __go_home__ method will fail.
This is due to the fact that __…
mbusy updated
5 years ago