### Checklist
- [x] I've read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [x] I've searched other issues and no duplicate issues were fo…
Hi Ben,
I investigated the lidar data with regards to the labels and I found some point clouds without any labels and some that are missing just a few annotations. The plots are listed at the end o…
hello everyone, i want to connect my ouster lidar to URDF file to use with RVIZ i get this message: Message Filter dropping message: frame 'lidar_front_joint' at time 5265.887 for reason 'discarding m…
Hi team,
i tried MA-LIO in my databut the RVIZ is empty. The idea is similair to urbannav with a ouster and a velo. What parameter do i check?
Hey, I was working on road slam using Point LIO. My slam was functioning well on an Ouster lidar with only lidar data before performing RANSAC, and this was my configuration.
nvidia jetson agx xavier
ubuntu 20.04
apollo 9.0
**启动perception_lidar.launch,发现在paddle_net.cc 132 行执行predictor_->Run()这个函数不再往下继续执行,也没有任何错误报出;**
cyber_launch start modules…
I start the simulator on my host machine by this command
`./CarlaUE4.sh -windowed -ResX=800 -ResY=600 -carla-server`
after the simulator is up, I fire the launch file from the docker container by
Hi, I am working with my own custom LiDAR data. However, the filter algorithm delete all label data that I have:
middle_class_name PointPillarsScatter
num_trainable parameters: 66
{'Pedestrian': …
![截图 2024-07-27 21-21-24](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/36e4c6d1-2bcd-4f53-add4-f05fb0baa021)
![截图 2024-07-27 21-21-37](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/bb648ac3-feaf-47d2-923b…
Turning ON Interstitial Points Filtering in the LiDAR settings does not seem to remove the edge points between two objects.
Picture showing interstitial points between two people